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1 response
the xp version and all above (sp1 sp 2 sp3 vista) dont work good with fat32 because fat32 it has a lower compresion and make less available disk space on your hdd so many of the versions quit to dispay that option (fat32) anymore because xp is meant to work with ntfs (works faster and more hdd space) so if you are planning to use xp use ntfs because it is way better and stay away from windows millenium 98 or 2000 because they suck and most of the curent games or software just wont work with them without heavy patches (wich try to turn your lets just say win me in to a sort of xp so they can run the aplications) and if you dont have a fast pc stay away from vista too because takes away lots of resorces and from what i have personally tested the sp2 it is the most reliable and faster windows i have work with.
Feb 23, 2009 at 03:37 PM
Aby podzieloc dysk na partcje propuje nastepujacae opcje
1.. Dysk C : only sYstem fat 32
2. dysk D only dane fat32
3. dysE, only file sysfiile fat 16
4, dysk D :Recykled file fat 32