Problem with ASUS virtual video capture
when i installed VGA driver it has a warn :'ASUS Virtual video capture device', driver has not passed Windows logo testing to verify iys compatiblity with Windows xp.
and i choose to continue install it anyway. so my question is ' is there any problem with my windows xp after i installed the software?'
i am very happy to receive your answer. thank u in advance!
when i installed VGA driver it has a warn :'ASUS Virtual video capture device', driver has not passed Windows logo testing to verify iys compatiblity with Windows xp.
and i choose to continue install it anyway. so my question is ' is there any problem with my windows xp after i installed the software?'
i am very happy to receive your answer. thank u in advance!
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4 responses
Registration date
Wednesday October 8, 2008
Last seen
June 15, 2019
Nov 7, 2008 at 12:28 PM
Nov 7, 2008 at 12:28 PM
No problem. ASUS did not pay Microsoft to certify the driver. That's why you got the message. 99.99% of the time there are no problems with the driver.
i have this same thing and when i run .wmv files or any windows video or if i play games like cod4 or open firefox my computer will crash
i need help
the only things that work are iexplore quicktime and stuff like that
i need help
the only things that work are iexplore quicktime and stuff like that
did you resolved the problem with "ASUS virtual video capture"
i have the same problem!!!!! if you have any advice please share me
i have the same problem!!!!! if you have any advice please share me