Getting info off my Ipod

Melissa - Jun 9, 2010 at 12:10 AM
 mikey0001 - Jun 9, 2010 at 04:58 AM

When I moved I transfered some things onto my ipod thinking of it as more of a flash drive. I figured once I got to where I was going I would be able to access the info I saved on to it. Wrongo! Not only can I not get to it, it is now taking up space on my ipod and I can't even figure out how to get it off!! Honestly I don't even remember what was on it. Can someone help please!!

1 response

this page was listed on here and it might be of some use. I dont personally do anything with apple products atm, but the software they mentioned on there might help in restructuring your ipod.

Sorry that i cant be of more in-depth help, best of luck to you though :)