Problem with forwarded E Mails

Senior Golfer - Nov 28, 2008 at 02:24 PM
Senior Golfer Posts 1 Registration date Thursday November 27, 2008 Status Member Last seen November 29, 2008 - Nov 29, 2008 at 02:39 PM
Hello, I have a recent computer running on Windows XP Pro. I use Outlook Express. I have Works Pro and Open office (new version) .Security Zone Alarm and Spybot

Recently any E Mails that I have recieved, then forwarded on to another party have been 'corrupted'.

The E mail has arrived as numerous pages of what appears to be the written operating programme.

Example..Received; from mr826052b7af76 (
by (Postfix) with SMTP;

then follows a list of the people the e mail was forwarded then E Mail address

Next 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format'

The message follows, each sentence preceded by =B7

then pages of programme stuff.

Help please, I am driving some of my contacts nuts.

1 response

tjmartineau Posts 38 Registration date Friday September 19, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 23, 2008 4
Nov 28, 2008 at 10:11 PM

Open up outlook express,

Click on tools, then options,
Select the "send" tab
All the boxes should be checked and Mail sending format should be HTML
Click on HTML Settings,
Encode using "Quoted Printable", no check on Allow 8-Bit characters in heading, check the other two.
Select the "Compose" tab
Simply use 9 point Arial for both if it's not, Sometimes other fonts wreak havoc with other email servers. Don't use any stationary.

Should that not fix you up, create a new account with a different email account if you can. Then send out an email, if your client can receive that fine, it's a corrupt account, just delete yours and recreate it (Tools, accounts)

If this doesn't fix it, let me know, I'll have you send me some emails and we'll dig further.

Senior Golfer Posts 1 Registration date Thursday November 27, 2008 Status Member Last seen November 29, 2008
Nov 29, 2008 at 02:39 PM
Thank you... I've done the first part, and forwarded some E Mails to see if the problem is fixed. I will let you know the results.

Gordon Scott