Laptop wont start

Synister Posts 2 Registration date Thursday July 8, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 8, 2010 - Jul 8, 2010 at 12:08 PM
Synister Posts 2 Registration date Thursday July 8, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 8, 2010 - Jul 8, 2010 at 04:56 PM
Hello, my laptop stoped working a few weeks back , its a fujitsu siemens amilo li1705. When I press the start button then the went starts working and a few lights start burning, the wifi light and the power light, but the skreen stays black. Its not the power suplys fault , and not the batteries , also tried to take the battery and cord off the laptop and holding the start button down for 10 seconds and then reataching the battery and chord but no luck. I hope somebody can help.

P.S. : Sorry about my english.


1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 8, 2010 at 02:30 PM
Hi there,

If you have lights being on when powered means there is power,try hooking an external monitor to it and is the laptop hot when you switch it on?

Synister Posts 2 Registration date Thursday July 8, 2010 Status Member Last seen July 8, 2010
Jul 8, 2010 at 04:56 PM
I tried hooking up an external monitor but it still dosent work, the problen is not in the monitor. And I have tried swiching it on when it was hot but usualy it is cold.