My laptop Browsers won't connect to the web

Phan - Dec 11, 2008 at 12:50 PM
 April - Oct 10, 2012 at 03:16 PM
Hello, call me Phan.

I have a Dell laptop, windows vista, and I have had it since August. Everything works on it just fine. But yesterday when I turned my laptop on I recieved a few messages I never get. The Dell chat center that automatically comes up and connects to the internet said it could not connect to the internet. That was strange since I was getting a connection and my computer said I was connected. Then I tried to get online and neither Firefox nor IE would load a page. IE says the page cannot be displayed (for every website) and Firefox (my usual browser) will just load a blank page. Thats not all though, when I close the browsers out then I get a pop up message saying "Firefox/IE has stopped working. Check online for a solution? or Close program?" I tried to check online for a solution but nothing happens. Right now I'm on the internet but through the windows help and support. I don't see how it's working but If I try to get online myself I can't. Anything on my laptop that automatically connects to the internet when my computer starts up doesn't work. Like MSN messenger.

So, I have a connection, a strong connection, but nothing is connecting. What's wrong with my laptop? BTW: this is day 2 that it's doing this. Oh, and all the other computers in the house are not having this problem and they are all wireless.

23 responses

Just create another admin level account on your PC. Login with this new user name and password. Delete the old profile that used to login. Rt click on mY computer>properties> advance> profiles.
After deleting the profile, restart and get back in woith your old credentials...
it sounds like you settings got screwed up, try setting up another wifi profile, make sure you wifi adapter has DHCP enabled
you need the norton removal tool. norton will block you out of your browser if you unistall them and will not quit untill you reinstall. stay away from norton. remember NORTON REMOVAL TOOL. This will fix it. I had the exact same problem. There sneaky like that and force you to buy their product. Ive been trying to get a hold of them to have them correct this but they wont talk to me.