Can't sync playlist to new iPod Touch

PlayProblems - Sep 26, 2010 at 04:30 PM
 DAVE - Sep 26, 2010 at 05:45 PM
I have a 32GB 4th generation iPod. I have 300+songs on it. Sync's great every time. I purchased an 8GB 3rd generation. I want to move one music playlist to the 8GB but iTunes will only move 64 of the 300. I get the warning/error message that iTunes can't sync 100+songs because it can't find them. How can it find them for the 32GB but not he 8GB? I'm on Windows XP. Tried many things. If anyone has a step by step for me that would be great.

1 response

save your playlist to a flash stick & un-install itunes. Then load your playlist. If it doesn't work, google "ipod to ipod song transfer". It should be the 1st one.