How to reconfigure my Linksys router WRT54G2

Beehindblueyes Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday February 9, 2011 Status Member Last seen February 9, 2011 - Feb 9, 2011 at 04:47 PM
jack4rall Posts 6428 Registration date Sunday June 6, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen July 16, 2020 - Feb 10, 2011 at 08:23 AM
Hello, I have a 2yr old Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop with Vista and I have not been able to connect to the net wireless for a couple of weeks, I keep getting a pop up window saying that the Dell Wireless WLAN card has stopped working. I have talked with Dell techs multiple times and they have ran every diagnostic possible and they say that the WLAN card is working fine that it is either the cable connection or the router. I called Optimum cable and they too ran diagnostics and said it's not them. Today I called Linksys and they said that the router has to be reconfigured but that since the router is 2yrs old, I am no longer under warranty and they want to charge me $30. I have been unemployed for over a year and I really do not have the spare money for this. I am on the internet wired but I can't move the laptop.
Can someone help me to reconfigure the router? I have already reset it by pushing in the little button for 15 seconds. Now what?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated


1 response

jack4rall Posts 6428 Registration date Sunday June 6, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen July 16, 2020
Feb 10, 2011 at 08:23 AM

Try this 1

1) First try updating your network drivers.

2) Upgrade the firmware.

2.1) To download the firmware, click on the below hyperlink "Firmware"


2.2) For instructions regarding how to upgrade the Firmware, click on the below

hyperlink "Instructions"


Follow the instructions from step 3.

3) Click on the below hyperlink "Manual" and download your router manual.


You can find all the instructions in that manual to configure your router.

Good Luck