Laptop Shut Down Suddenly; No Start-Up

Shanomaly Posts 2 Registration date Friday April 29, 2011 Status Member Last seen April 29, 2011 - Apr 29, 2011 at 05:20 PM
Shanomaly Posts 2 Registration date Friday April 29, 2011 Status Member Last seen April 29, 2011 - Apr 29, 2011 at 09:34 PM

I have a Toshiba laptop, which runs Windows 7/Ultimate. I use Mozilla Firefox and am found a lot in my Google account. I was playing a game on the Pogo gaming site this morning when suddenly, my laptop shut down. There was no noise. It won't turn on again, so I Googled up this forum to look into the issue.

I found a similar question and followed the instructions I found, which said to remove the power supply (please excuse my ignorance, but I assume that would be the cord that runs from the laptop to the outlet?) and removed the battery. I pressed the power button and held it for 30 seconds. I connected the power cord and tried the power button again with no result. I then returned the battery to it's compartment and tried again, but to no avail. I waited about 3 hours and repeated the process for good measure, but still no power.

I would be very grateful for any information you may have regarding an idea of how I might continue troubleshooting or if you might give me some ideas on where to look in the "Help" section of my Dell desktop (which runs Windows XP).

Many thanks in advance; I very much appreciate your efforts on my behalf.




1 response

Shanomaly Posts 2 Registration date Friday April 29, 2011 Status Member Last seen April 29, 2011
Apr 29, 2011 at 09:34 PM
My laptop now works! Since I didn't have a compressor like one of the kind gurus suggested, I vacuumed out all vents. Everything is fine now. Thank you for your kind consideration!