Can ping, but can't browse.

Bostianz Posts 1 Registration date Friday January 6, 2012 Status Member Last seen January 6, 2012 - Jan 6, 2012 at 02:35 PM
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 - Jan 6, 2012 at 02:58 PM
I have seen tons of people with the same related issue. However, all of them seem to have found a solution using one of the numerous methods mentioned. I have infact tried them all.

I have done the following:

-Checking for proxies.
-Pretty much every CMD prompt there is. (ipconfg release/renew, winsock catalog reset, SCF SCANNOW, dnsflush, you name it I've done it.)
-Deleted all McAffe applications, Used the Norton removal tool to get rid of all the Norton and Symantec applications. I had every firewall turned off.
-I ran Malwarebytes fixed any viruses I had.
-And finally after about 2 days I reformatted my computer and It still is persisting.

Now I have a Linksys WRT110 modem. I also have a brand new comcast modem which they say is working fine. I can PING WEBSITES, but can't browse.

I tried updating my firmware and have reset my router and configured it numerous times to no avail. Actually when loading linksys easy link application onto my computer with this issue it had problems detecting a network. Or where this network was coming from.

So I think it comes down to the fact that it may possibly be my router? Maybe getting a new one would work? I also have comcast coming over on Monday to see if they can help as well. The laptop I use right now is using a wireless connection provided by my neighbor, so really the only computer that would remotely be using the comcast internet connection would be my single desktop that is upstairs. Is it possible that hardwiring the ethernet cable to the modem would work? Nope, it didn't. I even was on the phone with comcast today talking about that as well. It just seemed to state that there were DNS issues, but that can't be since I can ping websites and typing their IP into a browser doesn't work, contradicts DNS issues so I've read. I even tried hooking my set up through an ethernet on my laptop and the same problem was experienced as my desktop.

Please I feel like after reading all these solutions to this issue that I am the only person in the world that can't get past this. I was literally fine 2 days ago and now it seems that it's all falling apart.

Much appreciation,


1 response

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Jan 6, 2012 at 02:58 PM
This looks like a problem that only onsite trouble shooting can help. Please report back to us when Comcast fixes the problem.