Find and Extract text from a cell content

rdegrasse Posts 2 Registration date Thursday December 12, 2013 Status Member Last seen December 15, 2013 - Dec 12, 2013 at 01:02 PM
rdegrasse Posts 2 Registration date Thursday December 12, 2013 Status Member Last seen December 15, 2013 - Dec 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM
I need to search a cell for content and extract and display a portion of the cells content. How do I do this?

Here are more specifics.

lets say the cell contains the following text content "BS, CC, CE, DP6, EL13, EM, ES2, FS, GN4, HV, JN5, LG, PL, PS, RF, SI, UP4, WC, WT"

I want to find each time "EL#" shows up and display the EL#. the complication is that the the number following EL can be different in each cell, say EL1 in one cell and EL7 in the next.

How do I find cells that contain an EL and display the "EL13", as in the above example?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated


1 response

venkat1926 Posts 1863 Registration date Sunday June 14, 2009 Status Contributor Last seen August 7, 2021 811
Dec 14, 2013 at 11:59 PM
suppose A1 is EL13 or any number after "EL"
in B1 type this formula and see


experiment with various entries in A1
rdegrasse Posts 2 Registration date Thursday December 12, 2013 Status Member Last seen December 15, 2013
Dec 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM
Thank you for your reply but I believe I was not clear.

In cell A1 would be the entire string
"BS, CC, CE, DP6, EL13, EM, ES2, FS, GN4, HV, JN5, LG, PL, PS, RF, SI, UP4, WC, WT"
A2 a different string, etc.

I want to find anytime EL# occurs (say in the above string EL13, or in A2 with EL5, etc.) and have the result of the formula be "EL13"