Desktop goes on, but the screen reamins blank

Kaay Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday March 4, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2009 - Mar 5, 2009 at 01:33 PM
 advsam09 - Nov 16, 2009 at 04:27 PM
Hello, everyone.

Let me start how did the problem came up to me and said hi.
I usually leave the computer running overnight and set it to turn off after 2-3 hours. I use program called "CWK" and it makes the computer stand by after 3-4 hours. I leave a game on but the computer works like usually.
Few nights ago I left it like I do everyday. I woke up and I turn the computer on, the fans go on everything works, but there is nothing on screen.

The computer starts up and is at 100% meaning, if you had 100000x programs open and the CPU was busy the whole time with the processes. As I turn it on, the monitor doesn't react, like nothing ever happened, the computer reamins at 100% until I turn it off. I disconnected the computer, looked inside, unplugged and plugged in cables again and nothing happens. The monitor is 6 months old so there is no way it is broken, any ideas?

It happened to me before but my brother fixed it, I don't remember how, he did something inside the computer.

Maybe I should connect HD to SATA1 instead of 0?

My computer is:
Gateway 770gr (i think)
p4 3.4ghz
1gb ram
geforce 8800gt

OH, the mouse and the keyboard doesn't work either I don't think any of the USB's work.

Thank you for every response.
Help greatly appreciated.

3 responses

Ziontehtorthakek Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday March 4, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2009
Mar 5, 2009 at 01:56 PM
Hey ive got the same problem havent found a solution yet, but i think its a good idea to test the moniter on another pc if possible. It happened to me in much the same way bu the only difference is i was thereto witness the crashing i was sitting there and poof the whole PC crashed turned off immidiately, fist of all i thought thati had knocked the power cable from the suply, but after trying to turn the computeron no luck nothing displayed on the moniter. It seems that all is working well apart from the moniter but i guess theres no way to tell i;ve tested the moniter on another PC and it works fine so any one that has any ideas would be a great help thanks alot.

Kaay Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday March 4, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 5, 2009
Mar 5, 2009 at 02:09 PM
yea, but it's the tower in my problem
the thing is that it's at 100% from the start, and that's what's bothering me
the lcd seems fine, when i take out the plug it shows the messages and everything
Howdy! Actually I have the same problem and it seems to be the motherboard wich is causing me trouble. That has nothing to do with your desktop, source or others.

good luck