WD My passport external hard disk not detecting on computers

HUNDEX Posts 2 Registration date Thursday November 27, 2014 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2014 - Nov 27, 2014 at 03:04 AM
 kra3y - Aug 20, 2016 at 07:07 AM
I bought it a month ago. I have saved all my files from different computers. those computers are already formatted.I was relying on my new disk, now I failed to get my old and important files, how can you help me please???

4 responses

Boogieman_WD Posts 275 Registration date Friday October 10, 2014 Status Member Last seen October 19, 2016   37
Nov 27, 2014 at 09:06 AM
Hey HUNDEX. Sorry to hear your having such issues with your drive. Is it recognized in Disk Management? If "yes" try assigning your drive a new letter, here's some info on how to do that: https://support-en.wd.com/
Other than that, can you hear any unusual noise or can you give me some more specific info on that. Is it recognized in the Device Manager? Do you get any error messages?
Here;s a thread with data recovery solutions which might be of help: https://www.tomshardware.com/


WD Representative
HUNDEX Posts 2 Registration date Thursday November 27, 2014 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2014
Nov 27, 2014 at 09:21 AM
yes it gives me some sound, plus finaly it says, the drive encountered I/O error".if try after some time, it says," it is anot accessible' etc. on each plug, it give me diffeent error messages.
Boogieman_WD Posts 275 Registration date Friday October 10, 2014 Status Member Last seen October 19, 2016   37
Dec 1, 2014 at 03:02 AM
It sounds like the drive is probably well on its way to failing. Usually when you get unusual noises coming from your drive is not a good sign. I'd recommend that you try to recover your data first (take a look at the link in my previous post for data recovery software solutions) and then run the tests from DLG (Data Lifeguard Diagnostic) to see what's the situation: https://support.wdc.com/downloads.aspx?DL
You could also try accessing the drive with Linux Live CD/USB and retrieve your files.
Your other option is a data recovery company, here's a link with our partners: https://support-en.wd.com/app/datarecovery
I fixed mine by installing a driver:

Shows up now :)