Adobe Flash Player trouble - Internet EXP 8

maggotboy0 Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday March 31, 2009 Status Member Last seen April 1, 2009 - Apr 1, 2009 at 09:10 AM
 buck51 - Jul 25, 2013 at 02:24 PM
ever since I installed the latest Internet Explorer (8) Adobe Flash Player wont work at all. For example - On sites such as : and - any video that requires flash wont play, and comes up with a small image in the top left hand corner of a few colourful shapes.

What can I do? I dont know how to uninstall INX 8, and I really want flash to work.
I have tried re-installing it, but it just says " save file" and not install, or run.

Suggestions please? I also tried it using the Firefox browser, same problem.

93 responses

Adobe flashplayer worked on Mozilla Firefox but not on Internet explorer 8. Youtube kept saying java tuned off or old version of flashplayer, and to download the latest version of flashplayer. I already had the latest flashplayer installed, but I tried downloading it again anyway, but could not install Adobe flashplayer as the latest version was already installed, and the download was disrupted. I went in on IE8 tools and found the flashplayer,and disabled it. When I went back in on the IE8 tools it had vanished to my surprise. Now even the small AOL videos that worked no longer worked on IE 8 . I tried Mozilla and everything worked fine, and the flashplayer still showed in the set program access. I could not install Adobe before disabeling it in IE 8, but after disabeling it and causing it to vanish in the IE8 tools settings , this time it did install using IE 8 for the download. I then got the small AOL videos to work again but youtube still would not work. I then downloaded Java Script through IE 8 , and then youtube worked fine on IE 8. I have no idea why nothing would work on IE8, but was fine on Mozilla. I also had ran Java tests on IE 8 and Java said it was working properly, and obviously it wasn't. I am not sure, but I think it might be important to download these items through the web browser, in this case IE 8,that you are having problems with. I think if I had attempted to download through Mozilla it may not have solved the problem on IE 8. Hope this might help someone else with the same problem
Its ok to save the file to my docs or wherever and then go into it click on it and it should download.
go 2 c drive in my computer.look 4 and click on install flash player.
this net is shit.
id rather download that shit than lookin at it.
As easy as click,ok, go to youtube and click the torn page COMPATIBILITY VIEW in the main browser or searcher thats it hope this works
Joseph210 Posts 2 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 18, 2010
Apr 18, 2010 at 09:28 AM
Thanks for share)
It seems we have to wait for Adobe to update their player or make IE7 our default browser.
try opening IE8 as administrator for problem of whiteness where video should be on you tube. Works for me with vista.
every time I try to watch a movie or cartoon over the internet my lapt top does not shows it it just takes back to the same page of advertisment.
can you helpe me?
Similar problem. When trying to run Flash Player 10 on a fresh install of IE8 and Windows 7 x86 prompt says to download latest version. But on same box with Firefox.... no problem. This is the second serious issue I'm having with IE8.
firefox working corrtley, only internet exploler is not comming downloding simbol
why cant I download adobe flash play for face book it say ineed to down load it to play my games
Mine does the same thing, but if I quite IE and restart then Flash works. Weird!
try to save the file onto the desktop. It may let you run or install it after you do this.
It Friggin spyware...Adobe is hackin our computers. After I installed the newet version..I scanned and had several viruses. Adobe along with "whoever" is invading our privacy !!
installation my computer to adope player
I have tried all the above solutions...nothing worked for me. I'm running IE8 on XP. I can't even install Flash 10 ; it just returns an error while installing. Ultimately, I switched to Google Chrome and everything is working fine.