C drive access denied

mani - Oct 13, 2015 at 01:59 AM
Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 - Oct 13, 2015 at 02:59 AM

iam trying to access my C drive but it shows like access denied in windows 8.

can anyone help me to resolve it.

1 response

Computertech Posts 3569 Registration date Friday February 6, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen July 18, 2016 893
Oct 13, 2015 at 02:59 AM
can you post the image of the screen shot of what your c: showed when you try to access it also the image of disk management and upload it here

To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing