Computer Internet working can't browse on the internet

Brandon - Feb 13, 2016 at 07:06 PM
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 - Feb 13, 2016 at 07:45 PM
Hello, my internet on my computer is working. My computer says I'm connected to the Internet. When I try to go on Firefox,chrome or explorer the Internet doesn't work. I can't go on any websites exept for when I type in a url to a website such as but won't work for Google or any search browser. Not sure if it's a virus or whatever it is. pls help


1 response

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Feb 13, 2016 at 07:45 PM
Hi Brandon,

This can be caused by you having a static IP address entered onto your machine. The cause of this can be that you may have suffered from the nastyness of a virus, or you may have changed it yourself.

If you didnt change this, first you should disconnect any network connections and run a full virus check. It is also worth installing and running Malwarebytes to clean your system of malware (but unless you have a way of getting this, then it will be hard on a machine without internet. Its only an optional step though)

Now check the IP settings of your machine. In Windows 7 open Internet Explorer (it wont show anything because you havent connected to the network yet) and open Internet Options (press the [ALT] key and then in the menu bar that shows go to "Tools" and choose "Internt Options". Now click on the Connections" tab, and then the [LAN settings] button. When there ensure there is a tick in the "Automatically detect settings" box and untick the "Use a proxy server for LAN" box. The Use automatic configuration script" box should remain unticked. How hit the [OK] button and then the [OK button on the Internet Options box.

Now connect back to the network and hopefully you are back on the net.

Please let me know how you get on.

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