The discussions
Forgot my password and mobile no.
Hello, I forget my Gmail password and lost my mobile number then how can we login Gmail account. Plz resolve as soon as possible. Warm regards, ...
How to transfer images from samsung to computer
ClosedHello, I was wondering how to transfer all photos from my samsung s7 to windows 10 Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 54.0.2840.71
Hacked my account how to recover
Plz help me to recover my account.even i can't be able to change my password.
Touch tone vicemail
I have always retrieves my voicemails by touching 1 call on the phone icon. Mow I get a.recording saying the code.I entered is invalid but I didn'thav...
Forgot my password
Hello, I was trying to get help with my password System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser My id disabled please enable
Forgot my yahoo email passwordand i got a nrw phonenumbertoohelp
ClosedHello, I forgot my yahoovemail password and need to change it but I have a new and different phone number now ... NOT THE SAME PHONE NUMBER AS WHEN I ...
Need help with gmail
ClosedHi how can i log in bak to my gmail i forgot my passwrd and the cell number is no longer the same one but the thing is that how can i get to it for it...
Samsung account
Hello, I need samsung account please System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.132
Forget passcode
ClosedI forgot the passcode to my phone i tried to go through my gmail but i fogot my passcode to my gmail they sent a code to my phone but i cant get in my...
Kaspersky internet security turns off
I have an Android ZTE Z956 I have a paid subscription to kaspersky internet Security I turn the accessibility switch on but it keeps getting itself tu...
Unable to call or send sms using my jio sim
Hello, I am unable to call using my jio sim in redmi mi4i phone. Can anyone help me.. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
How can i get access to my security questions
Hello, I noloner have the same email address i change it from to and my number has changed also . .the only thing i can remember at this point is ...
Recover my facebook account
ClosedHello, This is unreal. I would like to recover my Facebook account. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.132
Forgotten hotmail and facebook password
ClosedHello I forgot facebook password also hotmail password. What to do?
Facebook account locked for security reasons
ClosedHello, when I opened my facebook account it shows a message that contain these words "For security reasons your account is temporarily locked If thi...
Folder lock files are not showing
Hello, I install two folderlock software at a day I open my folderlock,my files not show.then I uninstall both folderlock.but my files not ...
Wrong pattern
Closedmy sumsung GT S5360 locked after my kids input wrong pattern and cannot remember my google account on device. please help
Samsung s4 mini factory reset password
ClosedI want to factory reset my Samsung S4 mini but they are asking for a password, which is not one of mine. Please advise.
Plz give me forget my gmail account password
ClosedHello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.109 plz give me my gmail acount gmail password forget
My gmail account is hack
ClosedSir please help me. My gmail account is hack so what I do find gmail password. My old gmail password is removed by moderator
Vlc android.
Desk top has the ability to utilize the drop down menu to play all and loop. But the android app on my phone doesn't have the option. So how do play a...
Samsung galaxy j3
My call 'blocked' list is full and I need to delete some older numbers to make room for new numbers. I am being inundated with Robo calls. I do what...
Rca tablet won't connect to wifi
Hello, My RCA tablet won't connect to wifi it just keeps saying connecting but won't connect I been having this issue all day need help please ...
Somebody hacked my account .
ClosedHello, sir somebody hacked my account and also change my number and recovery email also. I just forget when i create this account i need to know how...
What is a postal code
SolvedWhy is my phone not able to sign in samsung account When i want to sign in it asks for postal code what is a postal code
Loses my phone&sim card
Hello, I am loses my phone&sim card.for that I don't sing in my account.I need my account ceriasle.please help me to singin. System Configurat...
Sumsung j2
Hello, I have lost my google account password and moble number aslo so please hepl i get my google account password!! My gmail password sen...
How to connect my mobile internet in to my pc
ClosedHello, Sir my mobile is intex aqua Raze how i connect my mobile internet to my pc System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Can't access internet via hotspot of other mobile
Hello, I can't access internet via hotspot of other mobile... Please resolve my problem
Text delivery report
I have a samsung galaxy 4 phone. I sent a text message and it came back as Delivery report Requested, Read report Requested What exactly does this me...
Compatible with oneplus 3t
Hi Team I dont see that the OnePlus 3T is on the list of compatible mobilphones. Can you please verify if this is true. Kind regards Christia...
Installation of google play onto a huawei p9 cell phone in us
Can I use Google play services with my Huawei p9 in US? Thanks, Zhenmin
Lost account
Hello, I have forgotten my account's password so,please help me to get my account back.i shall be thankful to you
I forget my gmail address which to log in
Hello, can you check how many gmail address cover by phone recovery MY removed by moderator?and its very urgent to me...thank you System Config...
Password recovery but no phone
Hello, I forgot my password and I don't have access with my phone anymore, I do still remember my old phone number and some security quedtions Syst...
Hello, System Configuration: Tizen / Safari 537.34
Samsung j2 prime screen does not respond
I have some issues on j2 prime screen . When power on it work probably (I can touch any) And then alittle seconds it does not respond(I cant touch ...
How delete my san disk card video my phone
Plz help me with my phone San disk card video
My password and my number lost haw to recover my account
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87 my password and my number lost haw to recover my account PLZZ help me my photos and my ...
Can't send msgs on my jio
Hello, I can't send msgs to entertainment with my jio no...what should I do System Configuration: Android / Chrome
Give me my gmail account
Hello, plezz gaiv me my gmail account. plezzzzzz help mee System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Please <<approval code>>
Now i put user name and password but need approval code ... I use to text me on phone but i didn't receive code .... Please help me
Hello, Someone else has changed my password and changed the recovery phone number. So how do I get my account back say
Forgot password
Hello, hi a just want to ask paano mag unlock ng cherry mobile J2 S. nakalimutan ko kasi un password. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 56.0.2...
Ip address changes
my ip address changes with changing location
How to download paltalk messenger?
Hello, How to download paltalk messenger? System Configuration: System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Changing ip address
I am using lenovo k4 note................ how can i change my ip address............. is it possible???
Hello, Why can i not sign into my email account? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102