The discussions
Samsung galaxy 7 cannot type any sides i cannot touch it
Hi I want to need your help because my Samsung galaxy on7 I cannot touch it.....pls can you help me because I cannot call humana any more
Google verify your account
ClosedHello, I am looking to reactivate 3 Galaxy S6 phones for our work. The issue is I cannot get passed the Google Verify your Account because I do not...
Web sites are not accepting my email address
Online no one is accepting my email address when I go to buy anything or to sign in for things I want
Recover gmail account
Hi, I forgot Gmail password and security questions . I want my account without loosing a data. Please , help me..!
How to create samsung account
Hello, System Configuration: System Configuration: Tizen / Safari 537.3 I don't know how to create Samsung account
ClosedHello,my Samsung galaxy prime+ has been reset and I could not remember my email and password and when I write my email and passwOrd it does not except...
Touch screen problem
Hello, my samsung gta7 touch screen does not work correctly..please help me how to fix it.i do always a reset but still dont work
Unable to get into my gmail account
How do i recover my gmail account ***** without the password or the without any acsess to the number
Fm radio, does it affect my data useage limits
When I listen to FM Radio, does it affect my data useage limits?
Samsung galaxy tablet how do i delete a folder or sub-folder
How do I delete a folder or sub-folder I have accidentally created in the wrong place on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet?
Is it possible to play itunes purchased movies on android phone?
Solved/ClosedI recently got a new Android phone as a gift from my brother. Does anyone know how to transfer the iTunes movies to this Android device? I have a lot ...
Would like some help
Hello, I've been locked out of my accounts over n over again by you guys I just would like my damn a accounts bck System Configuration: Android / C...
My boyfriend phone. is stuck on his screen he needs to recover h
ClosedMy boyfriend Jeffrey Kloth can't remember his gmail or password on his phone and his phone screen is stuck on his Google account.
hai plz i need a password because my celphone is reformat.
Share internet from mobile to pc
hello how to share internet from mobile to pc not wifi
Phone unlock
ClosedI'm locked out of my phone it says this device was reset to continue sign in with a google account that was previously synced with this device. This i...
Account unlock
ClosedI have an account unlock on one of my devices it would have been one of my first devices as it was the Android 5.1.1 5.1 LG l40 for believe what I got...
Fb password forgot and the mobile number is changed
Hello, forgot password and mobile number changed of my facebook account
Youtube channel got hacked
My YouTube Channel Got Hacked How Can I Get It Back What Should I Do How Can I Call Gmail Or Tell Him
I forgot my password and my gmail's secret question
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 55.0.2883.91 My name is kassem i have lost my gmail it was stolen by the hackers and they changed the passwor...
New password
Hello, I forgot my password please resend my password Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Gmail account
I'm trying to add my Gmail account into my new phone and it want me to verify myself on a text message to a phone number I no longer have please help
How do you recovery your Snapchat password
My phone
This devices was reset. To continue,sing in with a Google account that was previously synced on this device
Samsung s6
I forgot my Gmail password
Rca tab will connect to wifi but says no internet
Hello, I have a rca tap it will connect to wifi but says no internet but all my other devices work fine whats the problem? Configuration: Conf...
Message request what doest it mean exactly
Hello, So if the little symbol pops up with a green check mark that means the person I have text has opened and literally looked at my text? Or the ...
Friend changed password
Hello, hello i had given my account to my friend n i think he changed it so plzz help me Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0....
Samsung j3
ClosedI'm trying to get my original password for my Google account so i can turn on my phone after a factory reset?
Samsung on5/pokemon go
Can't log on to current Pokemon Go account through Google account on new Samsung on5. Any suggestions?
Password reset
please send link to update passwotf
Translate japanese to english emails
Hi I'm having trouble translating my email from Japanese to English any help would be helpful.
Samsung galaxy note 3 camera
How do I reset my camera so the pictures show portrait or landscape FULL screen. Since syncing with desktop computer all my photos show in only 1/4 o...
Account retrieve
How can I retrieve my old gmail account? I have an old gmail account that my brother use for almost 5years and he set a new recovery phone number and ...
Created a new account
i forgot my old email thats set into my phone so i made a new one now what do i do
I forget my yahoo password & have chenge my phone number
Hello, i forget my yahoo password & change my phone number but i can answer the secret question plz help me ,,but there is no chart to answer my que...
Cannot connect
ClosedMy name is Bill st John my phone number is removed by moderator my phone was reset and my email that I'm putting in with my password is telling me tha...
Reset my account
Hello Resets my g mail account and forgot to my password please Thanks
Reset passwory
I have lost password. I not change passwort. Last passwort no 135135135 Please comfirm gmail is [***@***] comfirm code. Last gmail is [***@**...
I lost my password
Pls recover my account
How can i get my g mail account
Hello, How can I recover my g mail account? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Gmail password
Nem tudok bejelentkezni a gmail fiókomba
Old gmail
How do i get my old gmail back i dont no it
No listing for my verizon android phone and have current service
Hello, I have a Verizon Android telephone I can't find my IP address and it's saying that it's unavailable how do I fix it and I have a paid service...
User name and password for gmail account
How do I get user name and password for my htc phone. I had to reset it, and it keeps asking for the original user name and password for my gmail acco...
Recovery gmail account
Hello, I lost my cell phone 6 month ago and my phone number too and I completely forgot my Google password, now I could only remember my user name...
Problem with my email address
I have a problem with my email address I lost a phone 2 months ago so my sister gave me the one she was using and when I try to open my email it doesn...
My fb account is disabled
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85my account is disabled .please help me.. How to use my fb account.