The discussions
Kicked me out
Hello, i was on favebook amd it signed me out and said somebody might be trying to hack into it. It tells me to take a pic of my id and send. This isn...
Need to activate my account
Hello, My name is Shaina Reynold, my Facebook account has been asking me to confirm my identity. I don't understand this. I tried and from Sunday 18...
Facebook are not reply
Hello, I'm kabyik, when I'm trying to open my FB ID It show me this message "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're revie...
My fb account is disabled, i want it back.
Hello, My name it's Amira Gul, my fb account is disabled with no reason. I really need it back, please please help me how to have it back, because i...
Regain fb account
Hello, iPhone / Safari 4.0
Hello, This is what I saw when I was trying to open my Facebook account Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewin...
Facebook is hacked
Hello, Pls help me my fb is hacked Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Account disabled
Hello, Facebook id login please help me.
Cannot open my facebook account'
Hello, My name is Samantha Cuizon I cannot open my Facebook account and I don't know how to open maybe they are people report me and close my account....
Facebook can't access
SolvedHello, My name is Asif Azad and I am also on Facebook from 5 years ago and now why I can't access my fb account plsss tell me what I do I sumth...
Not opening my account
Hello, Hiiii I can't open my fb account sum questions are asked the it came pass wait it not opening ant keep log out like that I need my accou...
Facebook account blocked
Hello, Sir my account is blocked due to some friends hate me just help me.. and my nick name on id in stylish alphabets so i dont remember that styli...
How to enable my fb account
Hello, Sir, i am unable to open my account. Please help me how to enable it. I really need my account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Facebook account disabled
Hello Hy my facebook account disable plzz help me for reopen it. +removed by moderator Pasward removed by moderator
My fb was disabled
Hello, My name is olatunji olasunbo from Nigeria, my Facebook account was disabled after the submission of my voter's identification card as reques...
Fb account is not unavailable
Hello, Sir mera fb acount open nhi ho rha h unavailable bta rha or mne apna id proof bhi de diya h phir bhi open nhi hui to m kya kru sir plz help m...
Forgot approval code and changed phone number
Hello, Kindly help with the approval code I have forgotten and I have changed the phone number Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 30.0.0...
Cannot access my facebook
Hello, I have been trying to get into my Facebook account for about 2 months now.. I have tried everything but it seems my email and first pet name;...
Facebook back to english please
SolvedHello, Please put my face book back to english tanks Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Can't open my fb account
Hello, sir, when i try to log in my fb account ,it did not open and asked to you must login first plz solve my problem. Configuration: iPhone / Chr...
Return account fb
Unblock/return my account fb
Unfortunetly can't access your acount
Hello Help me please and ragain my acount facebook Proplem
Facebook account disabled reviewing documents
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and ...
My fb acc. is disable
Hello, i am abie khatri my email address is ***@*** plz enable my acc. Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36.0
Help me for open my facebook account
Hello, please help me for open my facebook account Configuration: Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 54.0.2840.99
I think my facebook has hacked!
SolvedHello, I have two Facebook accounts! One I want keep and one didn't do! Please help me! Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Totally disconnected from my original facebook account
--I have been totally disconnected from my original facebook account ! I don't understand why I am unable to reconnect to facebook to communicate with...
Need help icant resist my fb code via email i try d/n times but
Hello, I cant resit my fb account via email bs icant resive a code itry more times but I cant plzz help me Configuration: Configuration: Linux / Chro...
My fb account has been disabled how can i get it back
ClosedHello, my fb account is disabled how can i get it back My fb name is pure AnGel Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Facebook account disabled without any reason
Hello, My Facebook account was disable without any reason plzzz help me it is very important for me for back on fb... Plzz help me thank you
My facebook account not open
Hello, My Facebook account not opening he displayed wrong passwordi was also right passwordbut he side wrong password how to open my fb account plea...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Please back my disabled Facebook account help me my account is informant to me Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.9...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Please sir my account was open. this Account is very important please open my account Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4...
Reactivate my facebook acount
Hello, My Facebook acount is disabled please enable it Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Facebook incorrect password
Hello, I just tried to get on my Facebook account. It is asking for my password. The last one that I got was in 2015. I put it in where I was suppose...
Sent in additional documents as requested, now facebook are doin
this was a month ago now, and i'm still geting the same 'Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additiona...
Facebook temporarily locked
Hello, Hey m having a prblm wd my facebook login..every tym when I want to open my facebook it tells me ur ac Es temporarily locked for some secur...
My facebook can't log in
SolvedHello, friend why my face book can't login Please see that my face book is very many contact details are their please see that Configuration: Win...
Facebook account disabled reviewing documents
SolvedI have a problem with Fb to log in When I log in there is a message says Unfortunately, you can't access to your account while reviewing your Inf ...
Can't find my facebook page
Hello, on Sunday of last week I had a face book witch had many friends and memories I can no longer find that FB account I got it a couple of hours ag...
Facebook and messenger got removed
Hello, Was putting sms ions on facebook. When i did something happen that facebook and messenger got removed.i need my old acct back. Please Co...
Facebook account locked
Hello, My facebook account tamproly locked please unlock this account
Facebook account
Hello, my name is Reggie Dale I have two accounts and they were joined together and know I can't get on either one of them. Configuration: iPhone / ...
Being told i've tried too many times when i try to log into fb
SolvedI have 2 FB accts, one personal and the other for business. I was on my personal page and logged out to log into my business one. That was successfu...
Close my facebook account
Hello, Please help me for close my Facebook >
Facebook account temporary blocked
Hello, Hello sir madam i try to open my Facebook many weeks ago able to log in it say my account is security reason temporal blocked please help me ...
Facebook disabled
Hello, My Facebook has recently got disabled out of no where . What can I do to get it back? Configuration: iPhone / Safari Indeterminable
My facebook was hack
Hello, so my faCEBOOK WAS HACK AND THE PASSWORDS SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN CHANGE AND I CAN'T EVEN get in to close my account Configuration: Windows 7 / F...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, my sister can hacked the fb accoun..cannot to closed or remove...pls help to report the facebook of mya siste Configuration: C...
Facebook account disabled
i want activate my facebook disabel account, please help me.