The discussions
My facebook account chenge to google account
SolvedHello, Sir my free fire account is feckbook but I will transfer to google account Plz sir transfer my account
Nazmul prince
Sir My Personal Facebook Account Faced 30 Days Warning Problem, Sir I Follow Facebook Community Guidelines, Sir Upload My Real ID Card, My Name My Pic...
My facebook was diesbaled
Hello, my facebook was diesabled please recover help me and no email address email number yes
Facebook user name
Hello, I remember my Facebook user name and password but I have to do two-step verification when I go to login But the problem is that no verificati...
Facebook account has been disabled in 1 day problem
Hello, Sir My Personal Facebook Account Was Disabled in Only One Day. Sir 24 Hours Only Remaining Then My Personal Facebook Account Was Disa...
My facebook account
Sir My Official Personal Facebook Account Was Permanent Disabled. Sir I Follow Facebook Community Rules. Sir My Identity is Confirmed With Facebook Ac...
Please iam facebook account identity recover please
Hello, Facebook account identity recover please
My acaount has been disabled
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will be permanently disabled. This ...
Hello, I need help I’ve attempted to many codes and it won’t let me log into my Facebook says I need a code it never sent me any codes
My account was locked
Hello Which process I need to complete first, because the security questions you asked me I was not able to recognize can you please find ano...
My facebook account is not opened
We Received Your Information Thank you for sending your information. We have fewer people available to review information due to the coronavirus (...
My face book account has been baned plece help me
Hello, My fd account has been baned plece help me
Facebook accounts suspended
SolvedHello, My account was suspended 5days ago i have uploaded my Passport's photo and not facebook showing me "this comment goes against our community s...
My account is hacked facebook
SolvedHello, my account is hacked Facebook ID name
My account disable
Solved/ClosedHello, Hello , I really need your help . My Instagram account was being disabled and it connects my Facebook so I cannot log-on in my FB and insta...
Disabled facebook account which linked with instagram account
SolvedHello, Sir my Facebook Account is disabled due to linked Instagram account disabled so,I want to restore my Facebook account which has been disabled d...
Please unlocked my accounts
SolvedDear Facebook Team, Recently My facebook account has been locked. And when I want to unlock it, then want My (Government issued card) but I didn't t...
Please solve my facebook issue.
SolvedHello, Bear in mind that, in some cases, we may not issue a warning before disabling your account. We also can't restore accounts that were ...
My facebook account has been locked
SolvedHello, Hello sir, My facebook account has been locked. And I facing the learn more button. From that I can't open my Facebook account or submi...
Someone may have logged into your account
Hello, I have the "someone may have logged into your account" problem. I tried the method of waiting 96 hours but it didnt work. Basically I have the...
Where can i send my government id's to fb after i failed the 1st submitting?
My fb account has been hacked and in order to recover it I used the method sending my Government ID's to Facebook to confirm my identity because i hav...
Hello, my account how is treat ? no any account can open in phone.please what is the solution ?
My account was disable
Hi Facebook team Please consider this feedback..I dont know what is going on my facebook account was disabled tried everything every step that fb as...
Facebook sms code issue
Hello, Apparently, I have been logged out from my facebook account and in order to get in back, i need to enter the SMS code. However, I got the codes...
Facebook error
Hello, Hi I entered my username and password then Facebook told me too attempt
Facebook account hacked and password changed
Solved/ClosedHello, Sir Recently someone my free fire and Facebook account I can't login into my account pls help me to recoverit if you need any froof contact me
Reset password
Hello, Sir I forget my password and my sim card dat I create my account is lost
This account will be disabled in 27 days are you sure you want to log out? you
Hello, This Account Will Be Disabled in 27 Days Are you sure you want to log out? You only have 27 days left to request a review. After ...
How to get my facebook account back
Hello, I want to access my Facebook account, but whenever I do it asks me for a 6 digit security code. To get this code I need to go onto a device...
Horaa, Your Account Has Been Locked We saw unusual activity on your account. This may mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge.
Feasbook account
We received your information If we still find that you aren't old enough to be on Facebook, your account will be permanently disabled. This is becaus...
How to post double spaces on fb
I often use this text smiley: ^ ^ (with 2 spaces between the "^"'s). FB deletes one space between the "^"'s when I post this smiley though. Is ...
How to unlock my facebook account
ClosedHell sir/Madam your security system has been locked my real facebook account now i am sending my real proof please sir review it andmy real facebook a...
Facebook account
Hello, I can't login to my Facebook account, I have forgotten my password and tried recovering but all suggestions from Facebook failed. Kindly a...
My facebook is blocked
My fcebook id is boocked how can i open iy
Thank you for sending your information. we have fewer people available to revie
Hello, Thank you for sending your information. We have fewer people available to review information due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pande...
How can i get my password without the sim card please sir
Hello, Please sir how can I be able to get my password when the sim card was lost
I can't get code to loggin the one with 6 digit
Help me i can't receive the code to loggin the one with 6 digits
Iphone camera roll
I recently joined Facebook, downloaded the app on my iPhone 10, and have the latest update of iOS. Since joining Facebook last week, I have not ope...
Recovery my fb account against disabled community standards
Hello, Please help me how to recover my Facebook disabled account
Hello anyone please help me
Closedmy account is banned due to comunity standad please help me to out from this problem Something you posted goes against our Community Standards on...
Locked account
Hello, Sir my Facebook account is lock how will I recover it
Account locked
Hello,help my fasboock locked please help my
I forgot my facebook password
Hello, I forgotten my password and the sim card was lost, please how can I continue with this account
Account disable
Hello, Sir my personal Facebook Account was Disabled without any reason, sir I don't post any illegal activities on my personal Facebook account,si...
Minion hack
Hello, my facebook account hack plzz retal my facebook account
My facebook account need approval from new phone..and unable to login
Hello, My facebook account need approval from new number
I lost my old phone number and i forget my password pls help me to get it back
Hello, Pls help me I lost my phone number and I forget my password