The discussions
Please sir back my account plzzz sorry
Hello, Back the accuont plzz sir Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Facebook account
Hello, My Facebook account has been blocked Please apen it. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
I cant open my facebook please help me
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Safari Indeterminable help me
Facebook confirmation code can't remember email address
Since lng time I didn't use my other FB account I can't re sieve any confirmation code coz even the email address I used is I forget but I know my pro...
Hello, I opened my account but I didn't log out I already erased borser save I can't open my account now plz help Configuration: iPhone / Chrom...
My fb account disabled
Hello, Good Eve All. my Fb Id was Disabled i Dont knew was worked on 17th Night and i went to bed @ night on mrng of 18th i tried to open it...
Facebook blocked account
Hello, dear please open my fb account. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 3.1.2
Install facebook on my blackberry9900
I want to intall facebook on my Blackberry9900
I can't log into my acount
ClosedHello, Not able to log in fb Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
I can't reset my password on facebook because i don't have my re
I can't reset my password on Facebook because I don't have my recovery information What can i do to change my recovery information withput logging i...
Facebook will not open
Every time I try to get into my Facebook account, I keep getting a message"Facebook closing, report or OK. How do I fix this problem on my tablet Andr...
Facebook account disabled
Closedhello dear I'm rida qandeel why my account disabled i need my account please help me please help i need my account ***@*** please help me i need my ...
Reopen my facebook account
Hello, dear sir reopen my account facebook, name...Removed by moderator thank you so much my gmail id is ***@*** my facebook phone number ...
Facebook security question (shared posts)
Hello, I'm confused as to who will be able to view a post of mine shared by a FB friend. The original post (mine) is set to public. Who will se...
Facebook reviewing documents
Hello, When i try to log in my facebook account it's say We’ll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more help ...
Facebook is in spanish i need it back in english
SolvedHello, I need my Facebook switched back to English from spainish Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 30.0.1599.92
Report can't access facebook we're reviewing these additional
Hello, I have sent my ID to Facebook last year and I have not been able to access my account till today then have not contacted me either on my email ...
Can't access my facebook account!
SolvedHello, i cant access to my account when they said unfortunately yo won,t be able to access your account while we r reviewing these additional dou...
Disabled facebook account
Hello, Suddenly, I can't log in to My Account Help me Your account has been disabled because you violated Facebook's Terms. We disable users who se...
Forgot facebook password
My fb been hacked I need my password I be done everything fb said but nothing worked
Caused a lock on my phone pls help
Hello, I had a note 7 for 3 days and it was recalled so they put me In a new phone and it caused a lock on my phone Configuration: iPhone / Chr...
My facebook account do not login why?
Hello, I want to login my Facebook account. please fix the problem. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Why my account disabled
Hello, Why my account disabled please tell me I need my account please help me Configuration: iPhone / Mozilla Indeterminable
Facebook account access with new phone
Hello, I'm Shelia brewton davis Facebook and I got a new phone and they didn't put my Facebook account in it. It's a use phone because someone els...
Fake facebook account
Dear Sir, This is a complain regarding fake facebook a/c open on my name i.e. Ishiat kanchan uploaded my photo & in likes most nu...
Complaint regarding u close my facebook account without my permi
Hello, Still u not solve my problem.and still now I can't able to open my Facebook account ***@*** Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Not able to access my old facebook account
I am not able to login to my old Facebook account from my cell phone, tablet or laptop. I accidentally created a new account with my original Facebook...
Facebook two accounts are disabled
Hello, My Facebook account was disabled, I have a second account that was disabled how to fix? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Need help recovering my fb account
Hello, My CP was totaled! I had to get another one, I went thru the same company so I could easily transfer everything over. they said b/c my CP was...
Help and settings account
Hello, I go into my Facebook accounts and can't open anything under my Help /Settings to set my settings for my privacy and etc. If i can get there ...
Facebook account blocked
Hello, How. Can i get into my face book account,login approval code is going to old number Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.114
Facebook reviewing documents account blocked
I haven't been able to access my account and all most 6 months. It just keep telling me Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account whil...
Please remove account disabled
Hello, Plese open my acounts Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
How to merge two facebook pages
HI, How can i merge two pages which are created on Facebook. both are of different names because the name of the company changed and the website doma...
Facebook blocked account
Hello, my Facebook account has been blocked how can i open please help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook account
its been 3 days i could not access my facebook its showing ( Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these addi...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my facebook account has been desabled plz tell me how to reopen my account Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My fb site does not open this site can’t be reached
Hello, DEAR SIR MY FB SITE IS NOT OPEN THIS SITE IS LINK THIS This site can’t be reached
Need to open my yahoo mail
Hello, I forgot my passcode and need a new one to get in my Yahoo mail my phone number has been change to removed by moderator please text me a co...
Open my facebook account
Hello, sir .my FB account open please Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account has been disabled plz my email facebook @*** Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Facebook account
Please help me to find my facebook account. After changing i am not able to login facebook account through number or email id. I am not receiving any ...
Disable fb acoount
My facebook account has been blocked I need to recover it back I have been asking for recognition of some tagged pictures which I can't recognize if t...
Facebook account has been disabled
Hello, I dont know why my account disabled But iwouldlik help to open my account again please thank you my account with phone number Removed by ...
Don't know if i was hacked or just forgot password
I can't remember my password, so I have changed my E-mail, not the same one that I set up my Facebook account with, I don't know if I have been hacked...
I can't open my face book
Hello, Now how can I open my face book account please help me my id is king.julayi.3 Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My account has been disabled
Hello, Friends my account has been disabled plz help me friends Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Open lock
Hello, please open facebook Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Can't log in
Hello, I can't log into Facebook and I received a call from Facebook saying that someone has hacked my account. And the person asked me to pay abo...
Facebook account not open
Hello, I can not open my Facebook account when I putting the email and password then account not open and show that the opption "loged out f...