The discussions
Facebook problem
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4 dear sir Om my g9000i facebook is not woking.It is asoftware problem .can you help me?
Messages on facebook
Hello, WHY CAN'T I VIEW MY INBOX MESSAGES? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Facebook disabled
SolvedHello, my face book been disabeled over nothing i do any thing to get it disabeled. How do i get it back i have lot of family memmbers and friends on...
Why i cannot open the facebook
Hello, when i open facebook, then there write This webpage is not available. The webpage at
Facebook & email hacked
Solved/ClosedHello, My facebook has been hacked and the passwprd changed and my email has been hacked aswell and pw changed what should i do ?? :( :(((????
Facebook account problem
when i login it asks questions and when i answer them nothing happens.
My fb account disabled without reason
Hello, So far I know before blocking or disabling an FB account there should be warning prior to do so.. but I did not not receive any warning .....
Facebook login turns into myspace??
SolvedSo this just started happening a little while ago... when i try to get on the facebook website it redirects me to myspace for some odd reason?? i can'...
Facebook disabled
SolvedHello Sir My facebook is disabled from last 4,5 days but i dont know why it happend.. i did not get any warning or any notice from Facebook admini...
Facebook problem
Hello, i dont know how, but my facebook account is disabled. pllzzz suggest me how i can continue with my account and enable it.
Hello, i want my face book in english. vibin
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6 i just wont to asking,,, why my facebook acount not active......???????????
Hello, need help i can't access facebook website it's been bloked
Facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, plz help me about my facebook still not confirm my email add what can i do please,,
Unable to log in to facebook because.........
Hello, a visitor used facebook yesterday, now I cannot access my home page. Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Facebook photo block issue
SolvedHi there, I did something kind of dumb and I think I messed up my facebook page, maybe you can help me undo the damage. Basically, I was getting a...
Facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3 hi, i just wanted to get my confirmation code on facebook.. and i want you to help me.
Hello, i forgot my security answer on facebook and they wont let me log in. how can i change it or log in? Configuration: Windows Vista / Inter...
How to delete facebook profile
Solvedhi can someonehelp i need to know how to delete my facebook profile thanks please help xx
Facebook disabled
SolvedHello, facebook A couple of weeks ago I have disabled but I have no idea what happen to me.. would you explain to me this situation... also wou...
English facebook, how do i get it back ?
Hello, I shut down for a while and facebook went from English to Spanish..and I have tried to go back to favorites and get it in English like I have...
Facebook hacked - now no incoming email on oe
SolvedHello..I am new to this. June 11, 2010 someone hacked into my Facebook account with that scam for "stuck in the UK..need money. Facebook closed my acc...
Facebook roadblock security code won't send
SolvedHello, My account was temporarily suspended and i got the facebook roadblock. For AGES i couldnt access my account because at step 3, the security...
SolvedHello, My facebook was disabled and i don't know why Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Having problem creating facebook accont
Hello, i've been trying to create a new facebook account but i'm encountering problems Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Disabled facebook
SolvedHello, i can not login to facebook it says it is disabled for some reason i tried to login and it wont let me Configuration: Windows XP / Inter...
My facebook account was disabled
SolvedHello, My facebook account was disabled and I would like to re-establish my account. My Email is Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Exp...
Facebook account disabled, why?
SolvedHello, my farmville account has been disabiled and I don't know why? I was taking care of my husbands farm and my sons farm so i was switching back an...
I had a problem logging in facebook
Hello, guys. When i'm logging in facebook (with the correct id n password) , they said your security certificate had expired. Anyone can help?
What certificate is needed to enter facebook?
Hello, they said your certificate had expired. What certificate is that?? Can anyone please help?
Facebook sighn in in english
SolvedHello, I need to know how to get the facebooking english just so I can sighn in Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefox 3.6.3ed to know how to
Facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, i havenn't receive my confirmation code yet to my email and i sent you alot of messages and you don't answer me Configuration: Windows ...
My fb account isn't working!! and it's driving me crazy!
SolvedHello, i'm having thise problem that my FB account isnt working. It has been a while though everytime i try to open it, it says that i have to answer ...
Facebook access
Hello, I use my mobile to access facebook since yesterday I can read news feed but can only scroll down cannot access or comment on anything also c...
Please re-enabled my facebookaccount
SolvedHello, Please Enabled My Account I Can't understand the Term of Use, I'm from Nepal, if any mistake I'm sorry. ... Configuration: Windows XP...
I need help with facebook!
Hello, I have a facebook and it was working fine yesterdy but then i was downloading something called ooVoo but it was still working at the time. ...
Plez enable my facebook account
SolvedHello, Hello, i dont know how, but my facebook account is disabled. pllzzz suggest me how i can continue with my account and enable it.
Facebook disabled
SolvedHello, i am rahim account is disabled and i have alot of important thing on mistake is that.that ime adding friends alot but ...
Reinstating my fb account
SolvedHello, My name is Kitty Collum. My facebook account was temporarily suspended Friday, June 18, 2010. I have no idea why. I went to log on my desk t...
Hello, when i send new message and reply in facebook i will received this message ( Something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as ...
How do i get facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, how can i get facebook confirmation code plz help me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.9
My facebook is in somelanguage that i don wan
SolvedHello, please change my facebook to english Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0
Threats to send pictures om to facebook
SolvedHello, can someone take some ADULT PICTURES of me and then record them and send them to facebook,ect.without my ok.
Dont send error report on facebook
Hello, evevry time i go onto facebook there is the dont send error report that n comes up every single time and i am so fed up wif it. i looked aroun...
SolvedHello, this is edgar sam n my facebook account is disabled so pls i request u to undisable my account which is ( )
Facebook is blocked
Hello, how can i un block it
Facebook its asking for a code
Hello, trying to log onto facebook its asking for a code wher can i find this code Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Urgent:i need my facebook confirmation code
Hello, I already sign up for facebook but its not yet comfirm,they need a confirmation code. the problem is I dont know my confirmation code..i need h...
Hacked my facebook account
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0 my facebook account has been hacked n change my email id and password so please help m...