The discussions
Tried too many times message.
I'm trying to enter code to reset my password for fb and keep getting the message I have tried to many codes and to try again later. Next day I still ...
2 account with 1 email
Hi I have an account on Facebook with user name : , accidentally my brother created another account with exactly the same references that i put ...
Cant get on fb
hello i need help pls,ive been waiting t get on facebook now for over an hour,and it still says cant get on due to site issues?what dos that mean?pls ...
Somebody has created a facebook account with my name
Somebody has created a facebook account with my name n he is misusing it......what should i do now......i tried to hack that id but there is no phone ...
Problem with pictures loading in facebook
Hello, I have an issue with Facebook on my mac - the thumbnails of the profile pictures and the chat pictures are not loading at all (they remain bla...
Can't log into facebook
Every time I try to log on to my facebook account it says "Account temporarily unavailable" does anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
Facebook can't load
SolvedHello, I'm having problem with Facebook. News feeds, notifications, messages, photos, comments, etc. are not loading. And most of the links and bu...
How to accese with out internet
Hello, sir pleas help me how to access in computer facebook Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 29.0
I need to remov my profile number so i need my confromation
Problem with different facebook accounts with same password
I have two facebook accounts with same password , even when I m using different user ID ,I m able to access only one account . so I want to delete one...
Facebook hacked
Hello, Pls help, someone is using Blasius tezock eyong's Facebook account. He does not know who that person is. Help stop or secured his account. ...
Problems logging in my account for almost a week now
Hello, i have a problem with my facebook account when i try to log in it is opening but not in an usual manner such that i cant open my in box nor any...
Cannot connect to my facebook page
Solved/ClosedHello, Whenever I try to log onto my facebook page it doesnt work! After filling out my email and password, and press login, I always get an error me...
How to overcome the error of fake id
Hello, when i log into my account they say that you are fake. how can i overcome this error. please guide me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrom...
I can not open facebook website
ClosedHello,friends! Can you help me open Facebook website. I have problems with this.
Facebook problem
Hello, i cant enter into the facebook site that give me is in a problem . but other web r opening why ? will i get a solution for th...
Facebook hacked
Hello, i didnot get any facebookconfimation code or email i finot gt in my email plese help me i want to make my facebook someone please help my ...
Facebook homepage won't load after login
Hello, After I log-in facebook, it just shows a white screen, it won't load, how can I fix this? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.1847.1...
How to change facebook language
Hello, my face book language change Hindi to English
Facebook confirmation code, how to get it
Hello, help me. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.1
Not receiving code on my mobile fone
Hello, i am not receiving the code on my mobile fone Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.1847.116
How to change my facebook homepage to english
Solvedhello how to change my facebook homepage to English? from prince appleton
Facebook password reset by mobole number?
Hi... I need a help from you people. Actually i change my password, after a few hours i forgot my new password and when i entered my old password its ...
My facebook cannot open simply.please help me.
Account Temporarily Unavailable. Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again...
Help with fake face book account
Some one created a Face Book account in my name using my photos and are writing terrible things about me also they are posting indescent photos of me ...
How to upload file into facebook
how to upload file into facebook
Fb hacked and email changed
Hello Dears Can anyone help me my friend's fb account was hacked and the email has been changed and we can't restore it we tried
So impossible to me
someone seems to have known my password after responding to a friend request i sent to him. how is that possible and how can i avoid it?
Confirmation code
Hello, i was wondering what to do when i was to confirmy code Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Confirmation page won't load any ideas
Hello, I received confirmation code but the confirmation page won't load any ideas Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.114
Facebook is temporarily unavailable
Hello, I am not able to open my FB account. When i am putting my Id and Password it is showing. Facebook is temporarily unavailable, we are workin...
Need comfirmation code
Hello, Facebook I need to know my comfirmation code to use You Configuration: iPhone / Safari 6.0
From my confirmation code
Hello, Hi I ask please what is my confirmation code my Facebook in jasha Avenido? Configuration: iPhone / Mozilla Indeterminable
Useless ftalk app
Yet again I have downloaded the ftalk app and still won't connect, they ask for my permission, how there are no boxes to add my info so whats wrong wi...
Confirmation code
Hello, Facebook I need to know my comfirmation code Configuration: iPhone / Safari 6.0
I cnt idntify the photos of friend on facebook
my facebook d is blocked bcz i cnt identify the photos of friends on facebook, plzzzzzz tel me any solution of that pblm, and i regain my account plzz...
How i reopen my facebook account
how i reopen my facebook account
I've lost access to my phone facebook mobile confirmation code
ClosedHi guys. My English is not at an adequate level. I'll tell your short my problem. I've completely lost access to my phone and I can not get facebook...
Asking for confirmation code
Hello, I'm Bhumika Dutta and i want to ask that why my account is asking for a confirmation code and the main thing is that don't know my code.since...
Fb tell me to log in from a recognized computer or device
Hello, I lost my fone and changed my number now fb tell me to log in from a recognized computer or device what does that mean? How do I do that? ...
Account disabled
sir, my Account Disabled,and i want to open my account,give me step how i can open my account
Facebook problem login in on wifi
Hello, I tried to log into facebook sometimes out of the blue it will log in but most of the time it wont i tried with all computers on this wifi here...
Confirmation code
Hello, I don't now plz help me for conforming code Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Firefox browser loads all the site but facbook site is not open
Hello, my firefox browser loads all the site but facbook site is not opening? so suggest me solution Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 27.0
Cannot enter to facebook
Hello, I cant enter into facebook site.what is the problem? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 27.0
Facebook verification
Hello, My name's Katherine :) I wanted to ask. How to solve my problem here? I've created a new facebook profile. But when Facebook sent its co...
Help stole pics n info they made another page and lied saying it
Hello, I know who hacked my page n stole my 6 pics they created a fake page under my name lued and threatened people help me shut down that page p...
Help me activate my fb id again.
can anyone please tell me, what i have to do to get my facebook id which is not working for the last 5 days. I didn't do anything unnecessarily, i jus...
Urgent! i am locked out of my fb acct. for no apparent reason
I have been locked out of my facebook account. When I put in my password, it tells me it is wrong. I tried to reset my password, and then it tells m...