The discussions
Facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, I'm rahul I had opened my face book but as It is asking a code. Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 533.4
Laptop not let me play games on fb
Hello, why wont it let me play fv or any fb games on my laptop Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
how 2 get ameba gold in facebook
Cant log onto facebook
Hello, i cant get onto my facebook it says the email address i have been giving them and using is wrong i cant fighure out why Configuration: W...
Miniscule facebook
Hello, My facebook pages annoyingly keep reverting to miniscule. Been referred to view and zoom but too small to see! Would be grateful for sugges...
Facebook confirmation code
SolvedHello, i can go to my facebook acount 'coz i have no idea 'bout the CODE can you plz help me? thanks!! Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet...
How to reactivate my facebook account
Solved/ClosedHello, I deactivated my facebook a few months ago and now I want to reactivate I want to use my email and password that I used to open it. Thank ...
Facebook disabled
Facebook not loading
Hello, i have a problem loading facebook,home page appears but just blank white.Ive tried adding s after http but still the same any ideas Conf...
Facebook not loggin in
Hello, m trying to log in, but it is again n again askin me to log email id and password is also correct.please help me as soon as possible....
Urgent about facebook wall cannot access
Hello, i can access all my facebook except my wall page not the home one no , the profile page i cant' access my wall profile pics , i have to get...
I cannot get my facebook up!!!
Hello, i am unable to get onto my facbook bacaus my friend change it and i triend to type it in loads of times but i have also had my msn hacked into ...
Why my facebook is disabled
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 533.4 my question is.why my facebook account is disabled
My email and my facebook has been hacked
Hello, im sabine and my facebook and may email has been hacked and i tried everything to get it back and nothing had hapen so if u can help? Conf...
My facebook wont open
Hello, my facebook wont open i will put my account and everything will work but the page wont open. it will say on my page welcome to facebook bu...
Why was my facebook disabled for no reason
SolvedHello, hello im jamie wilson im the owner of and for no reason at all i cant get into my account its been disable for no rea...
My facebook account was disabled
Solvedhello, my facebook account was disabled i dnt no wat is the reason so i wanted to enable it because i have more than 400 friends an i joined in man...
Langue change on facebook
SolvedHello, my face book was working this morning now its not its in different lange how come Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Facebook has been hacked and birthday changed
my facebook has been hacked and the hacker also changed the birthday so I can't reset with the code that is given to me in the reset email. I have ca...
Facebook lost
Hello ive lost my facebook and all my photos ext
Hacked email and facebook help me
SolvedHello, please help meh this has happend before ok i was on facebook and then it said log on first but i was already on i logged back on and it sai...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, unfortunately my facebook account is disabled... why i dont know.. please help me to active my facebook account.. thanks zia Configu...
Opera don't want to load my facebook messages
Hello, My problem with facebook if I use Opera to connect then my inbox messages do not want to load but as soon as I use explore then they do load,...
Hacked facebook
Password reset on facebook
Hello, I have been trying for over a week to get my facebook password reset. I have not used facebook for over a year. My login is Corinne Ruth Ve...
Facebook english not pirate
SolvedHello, I need my facebook in plain english it was changed about twelve months ago to pirate speak and I cant understand it I am 64 and need help fro...
Sos urgent help facebook is suspended
Hello, my facebook acct was recently suspended due to someone hacking into my acct, can you tell me what I can do short of making an all new acct t...
Why can't i login in my facebook account?
Hello, why can't i login in my facebook account? when i try the home page appears again, please help. Configuration: Windows Vista / Inter...
I cant log into my facebook account
Hello, i need help i cant log into my facebook account,every time say the page cant disply the information,,plzzzzzzz any ideas Configuration...
Close my facebook account
SolvedHello, hi want to close my facebook account but i dont know how can you direct me Configuration: / Mozilla Indeterminable
Someone has hacked my facebook account
SolvedHello, someone has hacked my facebook account without changing my password and he operates it and abuses it troubling my friends.I have sent the r...
Looking for facebook account
SolvedHello, Facebook account its closet ...i need to know why its happen it ,,thanks,,,
My facebook and msn hotmail has been hacked
SolvedHello, my facebook and msn hotmail has been hacked and they have changed my security question , how do i go about getting access again ? i cant re...
I cant get onto my facebook,
Hello, i cant seem to be able to log into my face book, i forgot my password and everytime i try it says it will send me an e-mail yet that never ...
Hello, i can't logging in facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!! what may be the problem????????? Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0
Facebook email help.
Hello, My facebook apparently got a virus on it and it won't let me long in. Facebook is trying to send an email to me to verify myself but m...
Facebook mobile messages problem
I have a problem with the facebook mobile notifications of facebook messages. I have one friend (and she is not a "limited account" or anything like t...
Hello, just wondering if any1 else, having problem with there facebook page, i can click on it but there's nothing to sign me in on and all the wr...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, my facebook account is disable plz enable it ma i d is Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3
Anything better then facebook?
Hello, Is there anything better then FB? I can't get in my games and now, well I'm okay with that, that being adictive in all. Configuration...
How do i confirm my email in facebook
Hello,how do i confirm my eamil in facebook how time's to find to confirm my email so hard you can help me....... Configuration: Windows XP / ...
Facebook account
ClosedHello, My friends facebook account will not work and we just change the password. But naw that it wont work i have tried to get the confermation c...
Hello, We only have one computor, I am registered on facebook I want to register my husband on facebook on his own account and own email address, is ...
Hello, I have been unable to login to facebook for the last 2 days Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
<help>i want to jion facebook,what can i do?
Hello, please i want to join face book, what can i do? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Can not login to facebook
Hello, cannot login to facebook? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Hello, i am not able to open my facebook account. i am stuck with some email conformation and i don't know how to get out of this. i badly want toopen...
Hacked my facebook and yahoo account
Hello, some one hacked my facebook and yahoo account how can i get back my both account? please help me how can i solve this problem? i t...
Facebook issues
Hello, My profile is just looks all scramabled and I can't do anything on my profile and can't view my homepage either. Can you help please. ...
Facebook password/sign in change
Hello, Hello, Having the same prob. as many are. Will not allow me on FB, have tried resetting password, get hte page and code ,go to change it .ati...