The discussions
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I have fgot my password on gmail account how dow i get back in to it thanks System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Forgot gmail password
How to recover the forgotten Gmail password
Disabled account
Hello, my account is 9785534650 Shanu Khan Is not open plz not fack my account open to fast System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Cannot recover my gmail account
Hello, I cannot recover my Gmail account I no longer have access to gmail System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
Lost my number which have two verification code
Hello, I need us help ..I lost my number which have two verification.. Thanks
My email won’t download on my iphone
What problem with my gmail won’t download on my iPhone it’s sayin error in account so don’t no why this happ please help me with this
Forgot gmail password
Hi Sir, i forgot my gmail account password. it had 2 step verifiction and i lost recovery email id. i tried every way but its not working i have impa...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, gusto eve maam/sir already hack my old password how can I recover txns.. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Unable to access my gmail account
Hello, sir my phone has been unfortunately format and my phone no. Has been closed on which my gmail.was registered... So I'm unable to login....plz ...
Gmail account recovery
Hello, Sir/ma'am, I've lost my recovery Mobile no and also molibe handset, my Gmail account is not open its always ask for OTP from recovery Mobile ...
Give my gmail password
Sir plz
Recover gmail
Hello, hellow ineed gmail jhoy*********@gmail Com plz recovery ineed gmail System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Gmail password was ham
Hello, My gmail password was ham System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 5.2
Gmail account hacked
Hello, my account ***@*** have been hacked and that guy chenged my recovery email ( ***@***) and now i dont have acces to my accunt but i have my ...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Help getting in my gmail.acc forget password it's been over aweek System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 6.0
Forgot gmail password
Hello, Sir, I have forgetted the pasword of my gmail account and the recovery number is also not with me. My all important mail come in this email...
How to tell if gmail account is hacked or deleted
Hello, How can i tell if my gmail account is hacked or deleted? I cant get into my gmail or play store. I have reset passwords tried several ways no...
Recover account
Hello, My name is keval. I know my Gmail account and also know it's password but backup code is required So how can I recover it ? Plzzzz help m...
Gmail account is disabled and can't access emails
Hello, I have a disabled gmail account, I am trying to retrieve my email's from that account but when I do the settings as it says I get error...
Can i login on this device do not know my password
Need help to login not no password
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forget my password System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forget my gmail password and I haven't any recovery gmail. But I am open my Gmail on my number other is no any options for moblie number...
Forgot gmail password
Hello,sir I forget my gmail pasaword And I lost my mobile no.plzzz help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome
My facebook is temporary blocked
I need help my Facebook account has a temporary block on it how can I login
Lost gmail account
Hello, Hey Google's Operate Team I have lost my phone, All my theories are in the phone such as my phone number, recovery number, recovery e...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forget my gmail password and I need it asap System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Can't access my gmail account phone number changed
Hello, Hi my gmail account not open because we have required verification code which not avilibal in here because I have returned to him Pakistan an...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, my account (rez************ have been hacked and that guy chenged my recovery email( and now i cant rese...
Gmail forgot password and changed mobile number
Solved/ClosedHello I want get back my old Gmail account, I forgot my password n changed mobile number
Recover deleted mail from gmail
Hello, how can I retrieve deleted email from Gmail? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 64.0.3282.140
Gmail account hacked
Hello, IAM anvesh i got my Gmail hacked by someone i don't know anything about him and he changed my password and my phone number too plzz help me out...
Recovering old account to retrieve photos
Hello, My name is Tavina and if at all possible I would like to retrieve photos from my phone that was stolen. I can't remember the email or passw...
Why was my email account close and i had to start
why was my e-mail account close two years ago.along with my password that I had for years
Recover deleted email gmail
Closedmy emails are deleted from gmail in inbox folder and also in trash folder pls help me how to re-back these mails these files having important content
Password and recovery number has changed.
Hello, Please help its very important.. Some one is miss using the account.. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Email was hacked i need password.
Please I have like 2000 pics, docs, and other stuff. I did the 2 step verification. Need help. Please let me know.
How to get gmail on iphone and ipad
Hello, I have a Gmail accaunt, ***@*** I have Never uset it, but no w i Want it on my iPhone and my iPad , how do i do it. Dearest. Hanne Nie...
My gmail account was hacked
Hello, plz help us. my gmail someone hacked but I don't who is he!!!! plz help us I need my gamil back! the gmail important for me! (***@***)...
My account not open please help
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89 Please help me My gmail id :- ***@*** Account GONE? "Sorry, Google doesn't r...
Forgot gmail password and phone number
I don't remember password and phone number
Forgot gmail password
How do i get in it has been a long time cannot remember password
Forgot gmail password
I forgot my password for k...@gmail. Also my old telephone number is i got a new cell number is it means a lot to me too recovery this email thanks ...
How to restore gmail account
I do not know how to use this site but I have a Gmail account I want to restore because I could not restore it with links
Gmail account hacked
Hello, Recently my two I'd hacked by someone else and I can't access to them, because phone number is changed. System Configuration: Android / ...
Gmail disabled
Hello, My gmail disabled ,I dont have recovery mail and mobile number for getting OTP..How to enable my google account.It will automatically rele...
Gmail password of my email hacked
Hello, Please be informed that, my email ID was hacked and password changed and all the information to recover to get back access all changed, ...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I Rajendra Das.I forgot my email password since september acccunt is ***@***. my phone number is same when it is opened.please helped m...
Gmail account hacked
Hello my Gmail is hacked and I'm get my password.tanks
Gmail account hacked
Hello, My ex hacked my acct. And changed my recovery email in order for me not to see all his disgraceful he did on the partner or work account he c...