The discussions
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my Facebook account is disable I appeal for you to solve this problem because it is very important for me Sir I don't know how my accou...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hello sir my account have been disabled by mistake i request u my account recover
Reset password of deactivated facebook account
Hello, I need help for this I forgot my password of my deactivated facebook account. and I also forgot what email or number I used for it. I hope yo...
Some one use my mobile no to their account
Hello, Someone use my fb account mobile no. To their account and I can't login my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.10...
Disabled facebook account
Hello,my name is kalyan fb account has been disable during some days.i dont khnow why.please help me to solve my problem.i really want it ba...
My facebook account is blocked
Hello they just get me account back and its important how will I fain access to it back please help me
My facebook account has been disabled
Hello, Dear sir please help me my account is disabled added please add me my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.81
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say Your account has been d...
Upload youtube video to instagram
How can I upload a video from youtube to my instagram page.... I want to upload a 1minute video to instagram with a arrow.. When fan's TOP on the ar...
Facebook system review settings
Pls anytime I tried logging into my account it states system review settings
My facebook account is now disabled
Hello, My Facebook account is disabled now without any reason so plz help me as quickly as possible I need my account urgently System Configura...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Hello this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing ...
Orkut account
Hello, My orkut account can't open. Plz help me.
My facebook id is disabled
Hello, my face book id is desabled pls open its System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Login code haven't received
Hello, Please send me login code by email
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, when I sign in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately, you won't be able to access ...
Hello, I can’t login my Facebook always say Get started and I change my pasword already thnx Ed you can fex it my problem System Configuration...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your ac
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'l...
Help me my realy facebook to block not can on
ClosedHello, My Realy id block places help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158 disabled my fb account ...why it is make please
Recovery after 2 and half years
Hello, hey.. my i just couldnt get my facebook id.. i just came out of jail after 2 years and i dont have my previus mobile number and i dont know a...
Facebook account disabled
sir my Facebook account is disabled how to reactive my account please help sir
Need help to recover my friend's facebook account
Hello, May i request to recover my friend's facebook account maybe someone reported it. Please help us to recover his account. I am expecting for ...
Changing my email adrress
How can i change my email address name akt**************@gmail .com then creat a new address name
Facebook selling personal data
I think so Facebook is selling our personal information to adds even our email address and phone numbers as well . Is am correct
Reinstall my gmail account
My phone was stolen in December 2017.Please help me reinstate my Gmail account.
Stuck on identity confirming
Hello, how can I confirm my identity on facebook to recover my facebook System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Recovery 2 other facebook accounts
how do I recover my other two Facebook accounts without the recovery information or devices
Fake facebook account
Solved/ClosedSomeone made my face account on fb and send bad message to my friends sir please help me ........
Facebook account disabled
Hello, dear facebook team my name is Sahil . my facebook name is Sahil Afghan . my facebook personal account is disable by mistake. And this is ...
Waiting for new user name and password
Hello, I wrote all data .please send new user name and passward to System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.146
Post on facebook and instagram at the same time
How to merge my Facebook page to Instagram,if I post in Facebook page I want to see my Facebook my Instagram as well.Please help me thanks in advance ...
Download google play store
Solved/Closedi was trying to download google playstore . could you please i need help
My previous account annie ni lwin was hacked
Hello, I know my user name and passward but hacker change all .My old user name is and passward is 299161.please see and help me ....
I know my facebook old user name and passward
Hello, My user name and passward was changed by hacker .I know old user name and passward that is ***@*** ,passward 299161 System Configuration...
Facebook authentication problem
Hello, I have changed my phone now I'm not receiving Facebook authentication code to open my account, please help how can I get fb authentication code...
Trying for days to verify fb acct!
I have been trying in vain for days to log in to my fb account. When I try to sign in I get the message to secure my account. I click on the "get s...
Identiy confirmation
Good day Sir, Ive been asked by facebook plenty of times about my identity. Today i can't log in because I'm blocked. I am the owner of the accoun...
How to recover my old facebook account?
Hello, Can i get back my old faceebook account please?i really need those old photos thag i only have in that old account...uhuhu System Config...
Reset my facebook password
someone try to change my facebook account password. and now I couldn't log in my Facebook account?..
Facebook upload photo
Hello, Very big problem for me, whenever I will log in to my account this only shows up and when I uploaded my photo and click "continue" it d...
Give back fb account
Hii plx give backy fb account
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hy my facebook account is disabled again and again now wheh i login my account they said download your information etc....please help me
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Sir my Name Tarak mallick I am from orrisa (india) sir i am using fb but sir, i want to login my account so my account writing this Word__Unfor...
Reopen my disabled facebook account
Hello, Please reopen my disabled facebook account, I required it very urgently please System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
No responce by facebook team
Hello, Dear team I have submit my appeal form several times but there is no responce by Facebook team. What should i do now kindly guide me. S...
How to download whatsapp on samsung z2
Hello, How can i download whattsapp fod sumsung z2 System Configuration: Tizen / SamsungBrowser 1.1
Recover my facebook account
Hello, how can i get back to my reported account.please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Why i cant log in my facebook account
I cant access my fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Facebook after disabled
Hello, my account was disabled I filled a appeal about my disabled account later via email I got response by Facebook that my account is reactivated a...