The discussions
Security system has mistakenly remove
Hello , Your security system has mistakenly removed my account without any reason. I can prove it. I am sending my ID card details to verify that I am...
I want to reopen my disabled facebook
Hello, My name is Roseline okeke, please my facebook account was disabled since
Facebook unable to access my account
Hello, Guys please help me to short out the same problem. It's been more than 4month that I'm unable to access my account. I tried a lot to reacce...
Facebook account disabled
Hi Facebook management please help me I want to re-activate the account I am qualified to use Facebook where my account was disabled because of vio...
I lost my gmail account
Plz can u bring back my account Ka*********
I want activate my fb account
I want activate my fb account
My facebook has been disabled
Hello, Sir my 4 year account decable my ***@***
How to delete my facebook account?
Hello, I forgot my facebook password nd my email is not access now. Nd I don't hv any frnds in dat account. How can I delete dat account permanentl...
Lost my fb password and email address procedures
Hello, sir.. i loss my fb password and email address procedures plixx.... thanks System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
How long it take to log bk in account been reviewe
Hello, account locked beening reviewed System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Why was my account is disabled
Hello, My name is IRFAN KASHMIRI so plz my account is re oppen System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Facebook account disabled
My personal account in Facebook was been disabled i need a help so that i can reopen it and continue use
Please activate my fb account...
Hello, Sir.. please activate my fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plz activate my acount ikapir ran.. so that i have an important matter that going to do. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.316...
Recover my account
hello can i ask if my account is how to recover..
Hacked account!!!
Hello, My name is Amy Duncan fro. Corning ar.i have numerous accounts with face ex has took over everything and I want anything g with my n...
Facebook account disabled
Manoj kumar My Fb closed please help me My account is disabled please help me
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir My account is disable last 33 days..olease help meimradlovepunik 034************* System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hello, My facebook account is disabled since 3 days .sent email to facebook but no response.plz.sggest to reopen System Configuration:...
My account was locked pls my account reactivate
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108urgnt
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 6.4 My fb account is disabled plz can you unable
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hello, sir need to help you're plzz tell me how I able My disabled facebook Account?? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3...
My twitter account is blocked
Hello, Sir my account block kyu kr diya gya h System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 534.30
Facebook remove my account
Hello, My facebook account is disabled please remove my account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.106
Account is disabled
Hello, I m usman my account is disabled unfortunately with no reason and I want to recover my account .plz tell me any solution System Configu...
Hello, my facebook account is disabled since 3 da
Hello, plz sir mark zuckberg its my personal real account some mistake by me so plz sir its my old account my account disabled your teams please open ...
Messenger is not loginning in
Hello, Messenger is not loginning in System Configuration: Android / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Hello, plz activate my Facebook account or enable my Facebook account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Plzz activate my facebook account
Activate my fb account
Facebook account temporarily locked
ClosedHello, mera Facebook account temporarily locked ho gya hai please help me sir System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Facebook account hacked
Please my facebook account is hacked and how do I retrieve it back again and also prevent it from such action again? And I suspect is also with my pho...
Facebook account temporarely locked
Hello, My Account is locked please help me
My personal account disabled
ClosedHello, Sir my personal account is disable pls kindly reopen my account
How to open my facebook account
Hello, How to open my facebook account in Goa India? Please show me the steps System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 66.0.3359.181
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is Roseline okeke, please my facebook account was disabled since Wednesday last week for no good reason, please I need it as soon a...
Facebook application just stopped opening on my ph
Hello, I have Facebook application downloaded it has all the sudden stopped opening System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Change mobile number
i want to change my mobile number & password
How can i reset my facebook password without phone
Hello how can I reset my facebook password without my phone number and email because I have lost my phone
My facebook has been blocked
How to my fb back
Facebook account disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111. I want back my account. By mistake my account is disabled. It is most importan...
Mobil reset gmail passwprd
Sir my gmsil password forget please this is my son mobil not india forin set thangu
Delete my hacked facebook account
Hello, Please give me some instruction that how can i delet my hacked facebook account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Can i use my orkut accounts
Can I use my Orkut accounts
Can't access my facebook account
Hello, Pls come back my account of facebook and messenger System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111
How to make a screenshot of my conversation
I' m on Hangouts...Is there any way I can take of screenshot of my conversation...I need to send it to someone...I believe this person is a scammer.He...
My facebook is disabled
Hello, i m minu my facebook acconut has been locked since yesterday with no resaon that was my personal account plzz i request to unblock my aacount i...
How to recover a hacked facebook account?
hello my Facebook was hark and use by harcker and I wakeup to see it was disabled plz I need help to recover it
My facebook is not confirming
Hello, Pllzzz Confirmed my fb Account Help mere plzz System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 4.0