How to find songs on Spotify using lyrics

How to find songs on Spotify using lyrics

It is possible to find songs on Spotify if you know only a part of the lyrics. We'll explain how to look for that song you just can't get out of your head in 4 simple steps.

How to find a song on Spotify using the lyrics?

If you've been all day humming around a song but you have no idea how to find it in the music app giant, the latest Spotify feature will solve that problem. Here are the steps to follow so you can sing that song with some background music:

1. Open Spotify and head to the search bar

2. Write down the words or phrase you remember from the song you're looking for

3. The platform will show a list of songs that contain the words you've typed in under the title "The lyric you typed in"

4. Now, you'll have to take a look at the suggested list to find your song.

A small tip; the more words you use, the easier it will be to find a match and will show less of other or similar results. If you write common phrases like "my love" or "I love you" it is possible that the list will go on forever. Try to be specific and have a little bit of patience so you can find your song, and who knows? Maybe you discover another interesting song on the way.

Once you find the song you were looking for, you'll be able to listen to it, add it to your playlists or mark it as your favorite. So simple!

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