7 Minute Workout Challenge free for iOS

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The 7 Minute Workout Challenge application is, in short, the best guide to getting active for busy people. Designed to encourage its users to kickstart healthier habits, the application guides users through a number of routines to achieve maximum results in minimal time.

What are the key features of 7 Minute Workout Challenge?

  • Short 7-minute workouts that can be done anywhere at any time.
  • The application offers a number of customizable features that enable users to personalize their fitness routines to their liking.
  • Users can choose between a female or a male instructor to guide them through each step of their workout.
  • The video interface performs workouts in tandem with users, providing some extra motivation throughout the twelve circuits. A short break is granted between each exercise.
  • The activity calendar feature tracks the activity of its users, marking off each day that a workout is completed.
  • A weight watcher feature allows users to enter their weight and track progress.
  • Graphics encourage users to stay motivated by offering words of encouragement next to the progression bar.
  • The latest version of the application also offers a sharing option. Users now have the option to show off their progress to Facebook and Twitter followers, or with a friend.
  • In addition to an English option, the 7 Minute Workout application is also available in French, German, and Japanese.
7 Minute Workout Challenge
© 7-Minute Workout Challenge

Is it free?

The app costs $3.99.

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