CCM: My profile has been blocked, what to do?

When registering to, you create a profile that allows you to introduce and identify yourself on the forum. You should respect the Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Here's what you need to know about that.
This profile should respect the Terms of Use.
I must not contain any:
- Advertisement
- Proselytism (religion and politics)
- Insult or degrading content
- Inappropriate photos
- Inappropriate user names
- Personal data other than those where space is provided
- Any other reasons which are deemed to be contrary to the Charter
CCM moderators can block a profile, so other users can no longer access its contents. Note that: a simple profile block does not prohibit the member to post, sending, and receiving private messages. But the profile is no longer accessible to other members and anonymous users. You will receive a private message from a moderator explaining why your profile has been blocked.
- Go to your profile page.
- Click on Edit Profile.
- Delete anything that doesn't align with the charter. Modify your photo if needed.
- Go to the bottom and click Submit.
- Please contact the moderator who wrote to you to report the changes.