Why CCM cannot recover your personal passwords

Due to security reasons, CCM does not help to recover lost passwords. It is very difficult to verify that such a request is legitimate and to determine if the user has really lost their password. Here we explain to you the reasons for our no-recovery-password policy.
What are password recovery solutions?
Before making any attempt to recover your password, ensure that you are entering the correct password associated with an account. Check that all uppercase and lowercase letters are correctly entered, that no keys are sticking on your keyboard, and that you make sure your digital keyboard is correctly set (QWERTY or AZERTY).
If you are still experiencing issues with your password, we suggest contacting a site administrator. If you are a Windows or Microsoft administrator account holder, you can head to Microsoft's support forum for further guidance.
Why CCM cannot recover your passwords?
CCM members cannot help you recover a password with any operating system, including Windows, Mac, or Linux. The same rule applies to digital codes or other systems which require password identification. Note that digital codes include BIOS passwords. If you have purchased a second-hand laptop, we suggest that you look in the manufacturer's ownership transfer program or reset your password.
In addition, even when an issue is resolved, the message thread remains visible on the forum. It can be found with a simple search engine search and used again for the purposes of hacking or other serious cybercrimes. To avoid these issues, we suggest you write down your password and keep it stored in a safe place.
What is the difference between pirating and hacking?
Pirating, or hacking is an attempt to enter a system or identify oneself in a system without owning the password. The aim is often to obtain restricted information or to perform other actions that jeopardize a system's security.
What are the risks of pirating or hacking a password?
There are many risks in pirating or hacking a password. These may include:
Legal Consequences: Most countries have adopted strict legislation against cybernetic piracy and hacking, with severe penalties. Penal codes vary from one country to another. Most prescribe fines, imprisonment, and in some instances, corporal punishment.
System Owner Reprisals: Reprisals may be of a physical, moral, or technical nature. For example, you may be confronted with a more technically-savvy person, and your malicious action may be turned against you.
Determining if you have committed hacking or piracy is quite simple. If you attempt to enter a system without proper identification, it is an act of piracy.