Make group video calls on Telegram: host, join, broadcast

Telegram users can now make group video calls. Here, we'll give a step-by-step guide on how to initiate a group video chat, as well as tell you about additional Telegram video call features.
How to start a group video chat in Telegram?
To broadcast video, you must first start a group voice chat. To do this, in the profile of the group, in which you are an administrator, go to the menu and click the icon with three vertical dots ( ⋮ ).
Then, select the Voice chat option (on Android: Start voice chat).

Then, to start a video chat, any of the chat participants only need to tap on the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.
Up to 30 participants in a group voice chat can simultaneously broadcast a video, and the number of passive viewers is up to 1000 people. According to the creators of the messenger, it makes Telegram a convenient tool for broadcasting lectures, concerts, and other events.
A video broadcast can be expanded to an entire screen by simply clicking on the broadcast window. You can also pin videos from individual chat participants to the screen, and thus avoid constantly changing images.
How to join a group video chat on Telegram?
You can join a video chat on Telegram by simply accepting the call and enabling your camera and microphone.
How to broadcast your screen?
To initiate a screen broadcast in a video conference, click the icon with the three dots, select Share screen and click on Start Now.
When screen broadcasting, the sound from the device is also transmitted. Screen broadcasting in a video call is possible not only in a group but also between two users.