Kindu creates an intimate, safe place for couples to communicate and explore their private desires. Whether it be to create romantic new date ideas, push sexual boundaries or just connect on a more personal level with your partner, Kindu has a match system that allows you to communicate privately and confidently.
What are the key features of Kindu?
- The aim of Kindu is to improve the intimacy of your relationship, discover fun, new things for you both to do in and out of the bedroom and discuss your relationship in a safe and sex-positive way.
- To achieve these goals, the app provides more than 1,000 romantic ideas to do as a couple, a 'blind match system' that allows you both to see only the matches you agree on and a wildcard feature so you can anonymously submit your own ideas to your partner.
- The app offers anonymous accounts with no identifying data stored, passcode protection, use on two separate devices and you can even send virtual gifts such as movie tickets.

Is it free?
Yes, Kindu is free to use.
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