Realtek RTL8100/8101/8102/8111/8168 driver for 2000/XP is a driver for your Realtek network card chipset.
Note: This driver works on Windows XP and Windows 2000. If you are looking for drivers for Windows Vista or Windows 7, refer to the Realtek website. There are no drivers capable with Windows 8 or Windows 10.
This download contains the drivers for the Realtek network card chipset. It will work for the following versions: RTL8100E, RTL8101E, RTL8102E, RTL8102EL, RTL8111, RTL8111B, RTL8111C, RTL8111CP, RTL8111D, RTL8111DP, RTL8111DL, RTL8168, RTL8168B, RTL8168C, RTL8168CP, RTL8168D, RTL8168DP.
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