Quiet buzzing noise coming out of my computer

Dom - Updated on Jul 17, 2018 at 01:41 PM
 Blocked Profile - Jul 17, 2018 at 04:40 PM
In the past week I was having trouble turning on my desktop computer. At first I had to click the button twice for it to work. Then after a couple of days I tried turning it on and at first it didn’t even react. So clicked multiple times and then waited about 5 minutes and clicked again to power button and the. in worked. But now while every single day its getting harder to turn it on I relised that when I have my computer pluged in it makes some quiet beeping noise while its not even turned on. I use my computer quite often and evey night I shut it down, maybe it has something to do with it?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 17, 2018 at 04:40 PM
THE power supply is getting ready to go kapoot! Take it to a technician so you can have it fixed, before the drive crashes and you lose all of your precious stuff!