USB is write protected
Hi my USB seems like nothing is working I have tried everything to remove write protected
I have noticed some when ni check the space it says 0 byte
Can someone help me please
System Configuration: Android / Chrome 83.0.4103.83
Hi my USB seems like nothing is working I have tried everything to remove write protected
I have noticed some when ni check the space it says 0 byte
Can someone help me please
- Kingston dt50 write protected
- How to write & in laptop - Guide
- Kingston datatraveler 100 g3 write protected - Pen Drive, USB & SD Card Forum
- Unable to format kingston data traveler 128gb ✓ - Phones, PDA & GPS Forum
- Kingston format utility - Download - Storage
- Kingston dt50 16gb firmware - System software Forum
2 responses
David Webb
Registration date
Monday November 25, 2019
Last seen
May 15, 2023
Jun 2, 2020 at 08:58 AM
Jun 2, 2020 at 08:58 AM
Hello, here is an article on how to disable writer protection on a USB.
If your USB is showing 0 Bytes, it may be best to take it to a local data recovery centre.
If your USB is showing 0 Bytes, it may be best to take it to a local data recovery centre.
David Webb
Content Editor and Community Manager -