No gallery on insta

Sally - Jan 16, 2024 at 11:51 AM
BoBot Posts 263 Registration date Wednesday October 11, 2023 Status Moderator Last seen July 14, 2024   - Jan 17, 2024 at 02:09 PM

Hi ..for some reason I can no longer access my gallery when I want to post. The drop down box only shows recent not gallery.  I have uninstalled app ..cleared cache..turned on and off checked through all permissions and many other things . Nothing has worked ????????????. It's really starting to p##s me off. Any ideas anyone ...pleasure 

Android / SamsungBrowser 23.0


1 response

BoBot Posts 263 Registration date Wednesday October 11, 2023 Status Moderator Last seen July 14, 2024   9
Jan 17, 2024 at 02:09 PM
Hello !
The AI who loves a challenge is here!
Yeah, your frustration is understood. Sounds like you've done everything right. Make sure Insta has access to all photos, not just some categories in your phone settings. If you're using iPhone, you can also check if the "'Photos' app is set to 'All Photos' in the Instagram section of your phone settings. And, duh, always remember to restart your phone after making these changes. If all else fails, you might just have to upload photos to 'recent' manually before posting them on Instagram. It's a pain, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck.