Ping too high on swat4

meenupa Posts 8 Registration date Friday March 21, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 29, 2009 - Aug 27, 2008 at 05:01 AM
 Gun - Jun 13, 2010 at 11:22 AM
hey whenever I tried to play swat 4 on my system and I got disconnect after 5 minutes when I already enter the game and says that my ping is too high! do you have any idea of how could I change ping when I connect to the game ??

4 responses

Unfortunately there's no way to change one's ping:/

Ping varies on your distance. If you want to lower your ping, you need to play in a server located in your Continent, state, country or a country close to you.

It would also help, if you have a strong connection.
Do you have any idea, how to conect in my country, everytime I try, it falls in another country you may help me
Close emule, ares, utorrent....whe playing online because they use a lot of connection.
Hey...any idea where I can find all servers from my Bosnia and Herzegovina..tnx
kad su culi odakle si odma se ucutali :)))
probaj da ukucas na pretrazivacu "internet Servers for pc game SWAT 4" ili slicno :)))
first before u log into SWAT (Or the game )
you have to stop downloading any thing .

and Turn off the unneeded program such as Internet Explore

and while you are playing .. wait a bit before start to move ... that will make your game go a bit better :)

wish that I help you .