Help!!! sony vaio pcg-792L

jenn - Dec 5, 2009 at 11:56 PM
 wvnemesis - Dec 25, 2010 at 08:03 PM
I have a sony vaio pcg-792L with Windows XP. I started having trouble with the boot up and kept getting a blue error screen. it then began to give me the following error code: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt <Windows root>\system 32\ntoskrnl.exe. please reinstall a copy of the above file.
Now I get the initial vaio startup page and then it goes to a black screen. sometimes I get a cursor before it goes to the black screen. none of the buttons work. when I do press buttons upon start up it freezes at the vaio screen or doesn't even get that far. The computer did not come with a windows disk, but I do have a windows xp disk. my computer will not even boot the disk, no matter what I do. I appreciate any suggestions.

2 responses

This website:

has drivers for my VAIO. On the lower right of my screen it says VGN-FS550.

Hope this helps!
Mine done that and I had to reinstall windows. then I booted up and still had problems. I had spare memory so I swaped it out and worked like a champ. download and burn "UBCD". Run the memory test. memtest works too. use a flash drive if u must.