How to delete virus "autorun.inf" for su

Mr. Bridge - Sep 6, 2008 at 07:53 AM
 mr. ripjaws04 - Feb 24, 2013 at 07:38 AM
Hello, To whom who might help me (Mr. Ali ?)
It seems that I have succeeded to get rid of virus "autorun.inf" by downloading, updating, and running AVG 8.0.
But I can still not open hidden files or folders, and I can still not open my C or D drive directly from "My Computer"
Is the virus still there ?
How can I know for sure and how to get rid of it for ever ?

Kindly Mr. Bridge (in some troubled water right now)

20 responses

first run your system in safe mode, then go to your my computer properties and enable the system restore function.
then restart your computer and run in command prompt mode. in the command mode type the following.
ATTRIB Autorun.inf -H -S -R.
if the file is found in the Drive then give.
DEL Autorun.inf.
<similarly you can do it for all drives. but you have to restart your system for each drive.> AVG 8.0 shows AUTORUN.INF wenever I insert my pendrive in my PC...i delete it each and every time but it keeps on showing..i also formatted the pen drive...yet its showing..wat do I do.???? i'm using WINDOWS XP, AMKETTE is the name of my pendrive...
hii the virus is in your compter just instal symantec and run the scan it will delete
whether this procedure has to be done in safe mode or normal mode? I mean after enabling system restore in safe mode whether windows to be rstarted in safe mode or Normal mode
normaol mode only instal symantec and update it
puneet.pingle Posts 3 Registration date Sunday January 11, 2009 Status Member Last seen January 15, 2009
Jan 15, 2009 at 05:34 AM
Hi Kannan

I try to remove the file with the given procidure.but it is giving error :- file not found..

but when I am typing autorun.inf in root drive it is opening the file......
my autorun is in phone..... help me to remove please
devils.venom Posts 19 Registration date Tuesday December 2, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2010 4
Dec 4, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Connect ur phone with the PC via USB Cable...
Scan it... using AVG or AVAST...
Remove the virus... autorun.inf

If problem persists.... follow the procedure....
1. Connect phone to PC
2. Note down the Drive name... lets say drive G:
3. Start cmd (command prompt) from "Run" in "Start"
4. write G: and press enter...
5. write "attrib -h -s -r autorun.inf" and press enter
6. then write "del autorun.inf"

and ur problem is solved...
pavan > devils.venom Posts 19 Registration date Tuesday December 2, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2010
Jan 3, 2009 at 08:45 PM
how to delete system volume information file through command prompt?

i changed the permissions using 'attrib' command
then I enter the command like attrib -h -s -r "system volume information"
after wards I enterd del "system volume information"...
but it is not deleted
what is the problem?
access denined problem I am getting.......I am in administration mode itself?
i want the reply ASAP....................
how to delete autorun.inf in usb drive
pri > devils.venom Posts 19 Registration date Tuesday December 2, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2010
Mar 5, 2009 at 04:30 PM

plzzz help me to get ride of virus from my mac book pro..i have no clue how to clean it or run anti virus...plzzz help me I get lots of pop ups..and when I open some sites my ie automatically moves...plzzzz

prabhu > sonu
Mar 8, 2009 at 07:40 AM
how to delete usb pen drive virus
How to delete virus "autorun.inf" for su
asking for HELP!!!

hw can I delete authorun virus to my drive: hardisk can u guide me hw to delete it pls... HELP T_T
I'm never infected by an USB Stick virus because I use a french software : Anti-Autorun.inf : I still launch this program before I connect an USB Stick. If this program see an "Antorun.inf", this program destroy it. For Start the program, click on "Demarrer".

Plz Tell Me How can I remove this type of virus and I Don't Know the name of this virus plz help me
What can I Do now

Is there any Anti virus or other programe to protect me
Silicasys Technology
Jan 8, 2009 at 11:58 PM
Hey I tried everything, but didn't work & did the following.

Booted my computer in DOS, had the virus in D:

D: & entered dir /ah to view the hidden file.

Then keyed "attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf"

Then "del autorun.inf"

Check for the folder recycled

cd recycled

you will find autorun.dll

key "attrib -r -s -h autorun.dll"

Then "del autorun.dll"

"attrib -r -s -h recycled"

"del recycled"

If you don't have any other data, then format the drive or reboot.
Open Command Prompt -> Type the drive name say G: -> Type ATTRIB -H -R -S AUTORUN.INF -> Type EDIT AUTORUN.INF -> A new window appears; delete all the contents and click on File -> Save and click on File -> Exit

On command prompt -> Type ATTRIB +H +R +S AUTORUN.INF -> Type EXIT

Remove and reinsert the pen drive.

Now, The virus is completely removed.

Regarding any queries or any new problems , viruses or solutions contact me Darkhk3rAmit@H0TMAIL.CoM
I have autorun.inf in my C drive in which my windows xp is intalled
so how can I run these commands for C drive
You cannot remove the autorun.inf and scrap files from you usb drive because you system has been infected by a worm. This worm installs kbdrv16 at startup and runs fake services.exe and lsass.exe it also runs keyboard.exe.
That is, it creates multiples processes in your computer that is not easily removed.

You can follow Lemniscatus' method in removing the worm at

Good luck!
even you will reformat yuor drive the worm will still be there----solution--- install latest kaspersky internet security even trial version...thats all ....
Whenever you plug a USB drive in your computer, a window will appear (if your autorun is enabled).

Don’t click on Ok , just choose ‘Cancel’.

Open your command prompt. Type ‘cmd’ in the run box or on the search panel if you are using vista

In the command prompt type the drive letter of your usb device and press enter. ex. C:\F: <— then press enter

Type dir /w/a and press enter. ex F:\ dir /w/a <— then press enter

This will display a list of the files in in your flash drive. Check if the following files present on your USB device.

* Autorun.inf
* Ravmon.exe
* New Folder.exe
* svchost.exe
* Heap41a
* or any other exe file that you find suspicious.

If you spotted any of the above files, then most probably your drive is infected.

To remove the virus, type in to your command prompt “attrib -r -a -s -h *.* and press enter. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files.

To delete the virus just type del and the filename ex. F:\del virus.exe and hit enter.Delete all the files that you suspected is a virus. After deleting the virus, run a virus scan on your USB device just to make sure that your device is clean.

Remove the USB drive and plug it again. In most cases, the real culprit is “Autorun.inf” file which gets executed when someone clicks Ok in the dialog window which appears above. Thus the infections can spread.
Fantastic! my usb is clean. Thanks a lot
Ahh! Thank you! The autorun was executing and .exe file hidden under some other extension. I renamed the executing file so that the autorun.exe couldn't find it and then was able to delete everything. :)
still virus gives the error "the process cannot access as it is being accesses by other process"
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Apr 4, 2010 at 05:03 PM
Then your PC is also infected and you must end the processes (alt+ctrl+del) and clean your computer.
Thanks for the infor but it says access denied please let me know further action to be taken
frist go to command prompt and that unhide autorun.inf fine and edit autorun.inf file after edit the file u can remove all entries in autorun.inf and restart computer now you check ur problem it is ok
Sandeep Posts 87 Registration date Friday October 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen July 5, 2012 47
Dec 1, 2008 at 11:47 PM
thanx kannan....i have removed that virus from my machine with the help of your procedure...thanx
How to delete virus ''autorun.inf
prabhu > dinesh
Mar 2, 2009 at 10:37 PM
how to delete the autorun.inf
mittal > dinesh
Jun 10, 2009 at 11:30 PM
Kindly suggest me how to remove autorun.inf file which is hidden in pen drive. I have formatted the same but still unable to remove autorun.inf file. Thanks
Tomal > dinesh
Jun 27, 2009 at 10:49 PM
At first ,
1. click on Start Button
2.then Click on Run
3. write down "cmd" in the Run box
then u can see a CMD box.

Here, u will write down cd...(Change directory)
u can see like this C:\>
then write c:\> attrib
when u will write this command "attrib" it will show u all of your affected file.
but u should only attentive for SHR autorun.inf and SHR AUTOTEXT.bat(these are virus)
then follow this instruction>>>
C:\>attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf
C:\> del autorun.inf

and then restart your computer. if u see this problem again then just delete autorun.inf. you should do samething for all of your drivers......

C:\>del autorun.inf but cmd show (are you sure<Y/N>) how to select (Y)plz tell me plz plz plz
Cyber Tech Posts 7 Registration date Monday December 15, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 16, 2008 2
Dec 16, 2008 at 03:20 AM
Solution from Search-and-destroy.
If you own a computer, you must have antispyware to keep it running at its best. The problem is choosing a scan that works. I have tried many different types of scans in the past and then I ran across Search-and-destroy Antispyware. I have to say that the antispyware solution from Search-and-destroy is the best that I have used to date. It gets the job done and keeps my computer working like new. If you are interested in seeing for yourself just how good this antispyware works you can click on to learn more. I'm sure it would be worth your time to check it out.
prashant verma
Dec 28, 2008 at 10:26 PM
hi , if you want to delete the virus from ur system , then do onething instead of runing the anitvirus do the following
1 - boot ur machine in safe mode
2 - run antivirus scan
as I m sure that I will work , then I will tell ur further typical steps
1) Go to Command prompt then go to C drive then type the command "dir/ah" then enter u see their Autorun.inf file.
after that start the system in Safe mode.
In safe mode go to Command prompt type the Command " attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf " then type the Command "del autorun.inf" so successfully this virus is remove.

2) Disable autorun from registry
go to run type the command "regedit" then enter , after that r registry edit window open , then going to HKEY_ CURRENT_USER\User\software\Microsoft\windows\current version\policies\explore. In right side area " NoDriveAutorun" value are their just double click on this value and insert value data FF and select hexadecimal.
then close the window and restart the computer .
pagal ho time mat zaya karo aisi bakwas par
hii ,to delete autorun.inf,enable show hidden files,unchechk the hide extension for knwon types and hide uncheck operting system files also than close that ,open explorer their you can find the autorun.inf in each drive ,restrat the computer
Avg antivirus detects some viruses and not all. But u say it is detecting. Then try to heal the virus or delete the virus files with the options in Avg. Better Option is try some other antivirus like Avira or Mcafee antivirus
after removing autorun file, my usb drive wont open
to delete autorun virus:
1) check in root directory of all drives i.e(c: , d: etc.)with the help of winrar, if there exist autorun.inf file in every partion of ur hard disk then there is autorun virus..
2)download a program called usb firewall by typing in google or
3) install it and then start the sytem in safe mode.
4) run this program in safe will remove the virus from all partions..