Windows vista

Gabi - Oct 1, 2008 at 04:32 PM
GeorgeRattel Posts 67 Registration date Monday September 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 15, 2013 - Oct 1, 2008 at 05:03 PM
I bought new pc with windows vista. When I turned the pc on it started up dating configuration 3 of 3 with 0%. I thought it just needed some up datet so I left it for 10 hours but and it was still up dating then. I have instruction on my hard drive so cant even read them. Can anybody help me to start my pc again.

1 response

GeorgeRattel Posts 67 Registration date Monday September 29, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 15, 2013 11
Oct 1, 2008 at 05:03 PM
well try restoring it to an earlier time !!!
or if it's not runnig at all then you should try the garanty or a new hard
else cange the time in the bios to an earlier time if it didn't work then reply