Folder locked and opens to control panel

hari - Updated on Sep 16, 2019 at 01:21 AM
 Candy - Sep 27, 2017 at 04:32 AM

I locked some folders in folder access, then my system crashed and I had to reinstall the OS. Now the locked folders open to control panel, and the folders are not shown in the folder access window when reinstalled. Please help!

System Configuration: Windows XP Firefox 3.0.3

3 responses


I had the same problem and really freaked out cause I had a lot of sensitive data in the locked folder.

Then I found this really good site that showed me how to fix it.

Here's what you need to do :

1. Go to the directory where your folder is in.
2. Create a new notepad file and paste this without the double quotes:

"ren Users.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Users"

(Make sure to replace the word “Users” with the name of your folder.)

5. In Notepad, go to File -> Save As, and save it with the name "key.bat" (MAKE SURE TO CHANGE THE FILE TYPE FROM .txt to ALL FILES)

6. Run the "key.bat" file

Your folder should work now.

All credits to -

Good luck!
Thank you very much for informing the same, GOD BLESS YOU!!
Jesus sent you to me !!!!!!!!!!
you saved my files........
Your Fix is a Magic..........
You are Every thing............
Infinite Thanks Not Enough...............