Ethernet Controller driver missing

Reboot of XP home - cannot connect to dsl - missing driver - Dec 15, 2008 at 02:23 PM
 Joselyn - Oct 19, 2009 at 02:51 AM

I have recently had a virus. re-installed my windows xp application only to find out that I cannot connect to the internet due to " ethernet controller driver not found "??????? I have been trying to download drivers - etc for TWO WEEKS..PLEASE HELP!!


7 responses

All these replies urging us to go to a website and download an updated ethernet controller driver are useless because you can't even access the internet without the ethernet controller, unless you have a second PC already hooked up to work with the internet.

Go to the support Website :
  • of the maker of your computer :
  • or of the maker of your Motherboard if your computer is an assembled computer.


Then make a copy of the ethernet driver, and then copy it onto the original PC to get it acces the intenet. Most people may have to go to a computer repair store and ask if they can buy the ethernet controller driver for their OS and PC on a CD or flashdrive, or instead, but an external Ehternet controller device and connect it to your PC via USB.