Internet Explorer shuts down on mouse move
Registration date
Saturday August 28, 2010
Last seen
August 28, 2010
Aug 28, 2010 at 10:49 PM
maliusmaximus - Nov 12, 2010 at 01:23 AM
maliusmaximus - Nov 12, 2010 at 01:23 AM
- Microsoft ie mouse
- Mouse cursor not aligned - Guide
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- Why is my mouse clicking on its own - Guide
- Photoshop zoom with mouse wheel - Guide
2 responses
I recently experienced this problem, using Windows 7 & IE7, I tried the following & it worked like also works on IE8 & Win XP, SP3..
1. go to the internet properties ( right-click on internet explorer icon, then select properties)
2. In the internet properties, you should see the following option tabs ontop: GENERAL - SECURITY - PRIVACY - CONTENT - CONNECTIONS - PROGRAMS - ADVANCED.
3. Click on the tab: ADVANCED
4. Once you are in the ADVANCED tab, look for the following tabs and click on them: RESTORE ADVANCED SETTINGS, then cclick on RESET (This will reset the Internet Explorer Settings)
5. Once it's done reseting, you can click on close, apply then ok.
Open your internet again...Hope this helps..
1. go to the internet properties ( right-click on internet explorer icon, then select properties)
2. In the internet properties, you should see the following option tabs ontop: GENERAL - SECURITY - PRIVACY - CONTENT - CONNECTIONS - PROGRAMS - ADVANCED.
3. Click on the tab: ADVANCED
4. Once you are in the ADVANCED tab, look for the following tabs and click on them: RESTORE ADVANCED SETTINGS, then cclick on RESET (This will reset the Internet Explorer Settings)
5. Once it's done reseting, you can click on close, apply then ok.
Open your internet again...Hope this helps..
Dear Sir,
It might be resulting from a virus or trojan. Please get confirmed about it. Yet there might be a possibility that you need to have your system repaired for there are some missing or corrupted files making it act up like this.
Thank you.
It might be resulting from a virus or trojan. Please get confirmed about it. Yet there might be a possibility that you need to have your system repaired for there are some missing or corrupted files making it act up like this.
Thank you.
Hi Mysterry. Thanks for your response, but its definitely not a virus or trojan. This happens on any Windows 7 machine I try. The 4 or so machines that myself and my partner own are all totally virus and trojan free and the problem is exactly the same on anybody elses computer. Looking forward to further advice.
Nov 12, 2010 at 01:23 AM