Aol welcome screen

katscats - Oct 1, 2010 at 10:29 AM
 yves - Jan 27, 2011 at 06:40 PM
Hello, I already know how to disable Windows welcome screen, that's not what I was refering to. I want to disable the "Aol" welcome screen, the one that opens after you enter your password for aol. I mean the window that has all the news, biz, weather, aol mail, marketing, statistics, etc. I just need the aol tool bar and the blank blue page that is left after I close out all the aol news page stuff.

Thanks, Kathleen

2 responses

In your aim options...view...welcome screen on sign in...this should un-check this option...
Can't believe I found this...
I was looking for this fix for a while..
Hope this helps
on my aim,,,i dont have aim options.anhwhere...
please show me the way...thanks..