Lenovo 3000 N200 Powers off automatically

Shannon - Sep 11, 2011 at 10:49 PM
 Blocked Profile - Sep 12, 2011 at 03:38 AM

I have a Lenovo 3000 laptop computer, about a year back, it began to operate very slow, where i live is very dusty, and the computer no matter how many times i clean it, is always dusty, so i used a blow dryer to clean the dust from the inside of the computer and also the keyboard. I place the blow dryer at the air vent where the PC fan is located for just about 30 seconds then removed it, my PC was shut down and not in operation, later in the night i powered on my PC the fan and system booted normally until about 2mins the computer just turn off, i turned it on again and in about 4 sec it turned off again, when i turn it on both times i notice that my computer fan was not working, the computer began to freeze and then for the third time it turned off. The fourth time after i turn it back on, i notice that the fan is still not working, but i hear a sound as if another fan is on the right side of my computer, warm air still comes from the left side of the computer even though the fan there dosent work, i also notice that when i unplug the power cord from the machine it did not turn of, so im wondering if my computer will still work even though the fan does not work because after i turn it on the fourth time, unplug the power cord, it did not turn back off, and i am also wondering if the blow dryer damaged the fan why its not working, I really need some help on what to do here, Any help will be greatly appreciated.


1 response

Blocked Profile
Sep 12, 2011 at 03:38 AM

Replace power supply with new one and give your feedback.

Good luck