Windows blank screen

Pseudonymo Posts 1 Registration date Friday February 20, 2009 Status Member Last seen February 21, 2009 - Feb 21, 2009 at 06:01 PM
tipcojuice Posts 16 Registration date Tuesday August 26, 2008 Status Member Last seen April 14, 2009 - Feb 22, 2009 at 11:15 PM
Hello, my computer was working fine a couple days ago but while it was on the computer was accidently unplugged and when i turned it back i on i chose to start it on last known settings, after it went towards the windows loading screen, and after that the screen just went blank, the monitor is still on and theres usually 2 lights on the cpu but on of them is off, when its usually on, anyways normally i could log into my account but the screen is blank and the mouse or the keyboard stop functioning so i cant see the cursor or type anything even though they are connected, so any help on this problem would be much appreciated.

1 response

tipcojuice Posts 16 Registration date Tuesday August 26, 2008 Status Member Last seen April 14, 2009 1
Feb 22, 2009 at 11:15 PM
tyr rebooting the computer, the mouse and keyboard should work then.
if they does, presss F2 and select the Boot in safe mode, go to command prompt and type 'cmd'. After that, type 'chkdsk'.
this may be due to a problem in the hard disk.