My external hard drive not showing up in my computer

mrviolet Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday June 24, 2015 Status Member Last seen June 24, 2015 - Jun 24, 2015 at 01:06 PM
R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   - Jun 25, 2015 at 03:16 AM
I have a Seagate 1TB external hard drive and I need my data so I cant format my HDD. last night I used my new dsl-2770L D-link modem router's USB port to share my external HDD, at first it worked correctly but after a while it cant recognize my HDD. I tried my laptop to read my HDD but it don't showed in my computer. I used 3 different laptops and the result was the same. even the sound of inputting new device is right.
I checked device manager my HDD is listed. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the driver, but it doesn't work. even in Disk management I can see my HDD as Disk 1 but its unknown and not initialized. I tried to right click on it and initialize disk but every time I see this error "The device is not ready.". I even tried other options that I have, used offline and see the same error "The device is not ready."
finally I downloaded Seatools for windows from seagate's website and it doesn't even list my HDD.
tanks for your attention,

1 response

R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   155
Jun 25, 2015 at 03:16 AM
Hi Mrviolet,

It is strange that the manufacturer's utility does not detect the hard drive. I would start with using another USB cable. Connectivity issue may cause similar problems. I would not initialize the hard drive, because that includes formatting it. Try using the chkdsk /f command from the command prompt. It should look like chkdsk D: /f , where D is the drive's drive letter. Another option is using the Diskpart command.
List volume
Select volume
assign letter =L (or whatever letter you like and is not in use)

Hope this helps