PS3 attempt to obtain IP address Timed out
Hello, I bring my PS3 to my dad sometimes and back to my just yesterday I was trying to connect to my moms wifi and it keeps saying the attempt to obtain IP address Timed out. So idk what's wrong with it but my PS3 is a super slim so u know and if u figure it out can u send it to my email ***@*** if it could work it would be great
- The attempt to obtain an ip timed out
- Ps3 ip address timed out - Best answers
- Ps3 can't obtain ip address - Best answers
- PS3 can't obtain IP address: PlayStation 3 fix - Guide
- Playstation 3 won't obtain the IP address ✓ - PS3 & PS4 Forum
- Obtain IP address failed - PS3 ✓ - PS3 & PS4 Forum
- Ps3 will not obtain an ip address? ✓ - PS3 & PS4 Forum
- The key information exchange timed out ✓ - PS3 & PS4 Forum