Can I customise or modify Dell inspiron 1525 ?

DeathSmile Posts 2 Registration date Monday December 19, 2016 Status Member Last seen December 19, 2016 - Dec 19, 2016 at 05:47 AM
R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   - Dec 19, 2016 at 10:07 AM
Is it possible for me to change the parts of my laptop instead of purchasing a pc?
If it is possible it will be really helpful as i could save money and head for good components for my lappie.
I would like to change my processor to i3 0r i5 if possible and make changes to my ram to.
Someone please advice me if this is possible. if not then ur reply is sufficent. if the talk is about space requirements i will take care of that part.

1 response

R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   155
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:07 AM
Hi Death Smile,

You can customize your laptop but with some limitations. I would start by making sure what CPUs and what RAM memory is compatible with the laptop’s board. The best place to look for this information is the manufacturer’s web page or the laptop’s manual. I believe the 1525 does not have the CPU soldered and you may be able to replace the CPU. However, I do not think the i3 or i5 processors are compatible with your hardware. Have in mind that I haven’t tested that build and it would be best to consult with the manufacturer to avoid buying something that might not work.
Adding more RAM and getting an SSD may boost the performance noticeably, so keep in mind those changes. Have a look at a similar topic following the link below:

Hope this helps